We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Campfire Stories

Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,374
edited October 7 in General Discussions

Survs, you have spawned by the warmth, comfort, and safety of the campfire. The rest of crew is around you sharing stories of their most recent triumphs and defeats until it finally goes around the circle and comes around to you. Now it's your turn.

I want to hear some of your most unforgettable moments in Dead by Daylight. Whether it be a nail-biting escape, a surprising turn of events, a funny moment, or an epic display of teamwork, share a story that had your heart racing or left you in stitches.


  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,668
    edited October 7

    Edit: Here's my Survivor story.

    It was on Dead Dawg. Lol.

    There was a Huntress. She was in a really bad mood after slugging everyone. She bled everyone out and I was the last one left. She walked all over my Survivor's body, threw hatchets at me on the floor, all of it.

    I needed just one more pallet stun to finish a challenge. So I crawled over to a pallet and then back towards her. What happened? Another hatchet in the back. So I kept trying to make a breakthrough and idk what clicked but she finally understood!

    She picked me up and let me wiggle free. The whole time I just kept getting this impression that she really had an urge to sacrifice my Survivor.

    She let me get the stun but when it came time for hatch it was like a struggle for her to let me have it She would hit towards the hatch and look away. She couldn't even look at me going through it lol. Even right before I went through the hatch she decided it was time to injure my Survivor Imao

    A Huntress that struggled against her worst instincts probably takes the cake for my favorite Survivor story.

    Post edited by HerInfernalMajesty on
  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,117
    edited October 7

    Not a survivor story... but I like to think it is spoken about in hushed whispers around Survivor camp fires xD

    I remember the first 2vs8 as Trapper that I actually got an 8k in.

    I was paired with a Huntress, and we were on Thompson House. When we started she shook her head at me, I guess she wasn't too impressed I was playing Trapper... I didn't know that for sure, but that's what it seemed like, and it makes sense I suppose cause our powers don't really complement each other, but who wants to queue again?

    At first she was kinda going hard while I was just doing my Trapper things, but I had a few really devious trap ideas that day, and fearing someone just going round disarming them if I did obvious stuff, I put them down in some really weird locations. Despite that, as I was roaming around, I had some very early success with chases, just nailed my mind games and was duping survivors and guessing right almost every time, so it wasn't bad going at all.

    Despite that survivors werent goofing around and we lost 4 gens pretty fast… but the turning point was, as I was doing a quick trap grab off the tractor after I hooked a survivor, I saw Huntress in the distance at the side of main in the midst of her chases... a Nea was getting in her way and body blocked one of her hatchets, but immediately sprinted into one of my weird traps by the fence, the Feng she took the hit for took the chance to scatter but hit another one at the pallet drop between the hay bails. I guess a Nancy came through main to help one free from the trap cause as Huntress downed the Nea, another trap snapped at the bottom of the stairs in front of main as Nancy came through...

    In that moment the Huntress looked at me as I wandered across from tractor with a mixture of disbelief and respect as we basically took 4 hooks in 20 seconds... from that point on she just chilled out, sat in main throwing hatchets down and leaving the chasing to me and my traps while she sniped from overhead. The pressure we created in that moment snowballed the game and it was just a formality closing it out as survivors started dying off.

    To put the cherry on it, even when there was 2 left for hatch, both survivors wandered into more random traps 1 after another, and I genuinley laughed as a on high Huntress shot the first down while I took out the other at that same damn trap in front of main... xD

    I have no idea why survivors had so much trouble with my traps that game, but I definitely felt I earned my stripes and the approving nod I got from Huntress at the end xD

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,117

    To give an actual Survivor story considering my brain went the wrong way on the first post...

    After MFT got nerfed and everyone decided it was trash, I decided to see if I could get value out of it. I ran it with We're Gonna Live Forever, Botany Knowledge and Borrowed Time (just cause) on Ash. I was taking it instead of the FTP+BU combo, cause I'm not a dirtbag 😏😏😏

    We were against an Oni on I think it was Wrecker's Yard and it was coming down to the wire. We had all 5 gens done, 4 alive and 7 hooks between us. We had the gate at 10 second done but all 4 of us were in the same place, and Oni had been in power a while and was now trying to nail the Claudette.

    He managed to down her maybe 15m from our gate, and set about trying to slug us. I came off gate to hide and all 3 of us were huddled behind the same rock... you know when your brain says "that is really stupid... you need to move", but your hands don't quite get the message quick enough? Oni flew round the rock at the 3 of us and swung... somehow everyone dodged, despite the near mutual sandbag we just did... and it was that moment Oni fell out of power.

    As we nuked, I started running to the Claudette, my WGLF charged and started healing. Oni gave a short chase to the others but that gave me the 3 seconds I needed. He ran over and slashed me to injure, but I continued the heal and managed to get Claudette up with WGLF. The gate opened in the distamce and Oni went for her as she bolted out of the gate... when he realised he couldn't catch her for body blocks, he slashed me, only to get stopped by my Made For This.

    The non-scummy FTP Buckle Up build... achievement unlocked 😅

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,117

    Wow... those unsafe teabags out in the open to assert dominance xD

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 112
    edited October 8

    It's a while ago by now, but I'll never forget it.

    I found myself waking up in another place. At night, it was filled with arcade machines and a building that looked like a cinema. The darkness, in retrospect, probably helped us.

    There were three others, as usual, and our tormentor was the masked beast with all the damned bear traps.

    The others seemed more experienced than I am used to; quick on their feet, clever, agile, and acted as if they had been there before. They probably had. It got my hopes up for relief. My hope only grew stronger as our efforts proceeded.

    We took some scrapes, but eventually we managed to power the blasted doors, I opened them with haste, but one of the others had managed to get caught.

    This fellow and I, I never learned his name, looked at each other. We nodded and went to get her free. The monster. That… Sadist. He was simply staring at her on that meathook, drinking in her torment. How I loathe him.

    My guy distracted him, while I ran up quickly and got her off. I was so excited, thrilled even, because freedom was within an arms length. We ran straight to the gate, the girl and guy both at my heels.

    We did it! We ran out, and I nearly high-fived my fellow escapees, but as I looked back to see the face of the woman we saved, every ounce of joy left me immediately.

    The last thing I see, before the fog enveloped my body and thoughts, were the woman being cut down, with the bloodied hand of the manbeast reaching for her, to drag her back to her personal hell.

    I don't know why she stopped and looked back. I don't know why she didn't just run. But I only know this; I never saw her again.

    Post edited by A_T_E on
  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    I once won a 2v1 in soloq against a Wesker with 3 gens remaining. That was pretty hype!

    Otherwise, the most unforgettable match i ever had was my final attempt at Bubba´s adept challenge. As widely known, adepts used to work differently. You needed, and still need, to have a "perfect game" with merciless killer on the endscreen. This was much harder to obtain back then because merciless killer was bound to the emblem system and not to the amount of kills.

    Bubba and Billy where notorious for being hard in achieving their adept due to their usual flow of gameplay. Bubba is a chase machine with no real map pressure. He relies on fast downs to slow the game down. This however is horrible for the emblem system because it includes a chaser emblem that rewards longer chases. Longer chases that Bubba cant effort. On top of this, his perks dont help either.

    • Franklins : m1 perk, awful for a killer that relies on insta down.
    • Knock out: m1 perk. Same as above
    • BBQ: actually good, but doesnt help you with slowing the match down.

    This results in a killer challenge, where you are iincentivized to use AND not use your power at the same time. You lose the points when you use your power, therefore failing the achievement and you lose the game if you play m1 for too long. The result where infuriating matches where the players tunneled people out asap to be able to m1 chase. Bubba´s adept is the only time, that I can remember, where I rage-quit a match. It was this horrible.

    Back to the match though. My final attempt, the attempt, where I eventually got it was on Midwich. A pretty decent Bubba-, and kliller in general-, map due to its size.

    After around 30ish attempts i started using heavier addons resulting in my loadout being purple chilli for duration and green beast marks for speed. Pretty much the best you could (and maybe still) bring on Bubba. Offerings where the remaining sac. wards I had on him.

    Im gonna give a disclaimer, that this was a horrible match for everyone included. Nobody had a good time. I tunneled one survivor out asap to slow things down and sometimes slugged people with knock out. Really unfun stuff. The two people that got out fast had it better than the 3 of use left behind.

    After the 2 survivors vanished, the game went on for about 40 minutes…

    I was sure, that my emblems where not good enough, so I needed the 4k. The two survivors, 2 Dwights, wanted hatch though. This resulted in the longest cat and mouse game ever, where I carried and slugged both dwights for the absolute maximum of the bars duration. I ran the total of Midwich, with both Dwights on my shoulder about 20 times to find both in one spot and to not give them a chance for hatch. I sat there, telling myself: " You WILL give up before I do!"

    And eventually, after a game that felt like an eternity, he did.

    I broke the Dwight.

    He just walked up to me and the other Dwight and pointed towards a hook.

    On that day, I found out what true determination in DBD looks like.

    The achievement in my game library on steam is my witness and medal to what atrocities happened that match.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,520

    As my namesake, I always try to get my team out over myself.

    Had a game on Midwich vs Wesker, and he was very solid. After a good chase with me, he decided to go after the others and quite literally ignore me. Well, I'm not having it.

    Had a few plays where I took hits, but the one that stuck out was falling off the vault in the stairwell, and landing between Wes and a Claudette, taking the hit, saving her, and having a 20 second stare off with the Wesker, whom I can only imagine was in disbelief.

    Good times.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 637

    I can think of a few "campfire stories", but I'll spread them out.

    The first one that comes to mind was a particular Plague player that I faced for three matches in a row.  Has that ever happened to anyone?

    The first match was average, we all lost.  Near the end, everyone was slugged or hooked.  I managed to wiggle out with Boil Over and Flip-Flop, but I still got downed again and hooked.

    For the second match, I suspected the same Plague player, as she had the same cosmetic, same perks, and had brought a 5th anniversary cake offering.  They tunneled me off the first hook, so I let go on the second.  I spectated the rest of the match, and in the endgame chat, the Killer said they felt bad, that they were going to let me go after the second hook.  I pointed out that I would've held on if I hadn't been tunneled off the first hook.  So the Killer said if they see me again, they won't even hit me.

    And then moving on to the next match.  Another 5th anniversary cake is offered by the Killer, and I went, "Is it the Plague again??"  Sure enough, the Killer PMed me on Steam, informing me that they were going to be my Killer again for the third time and promised to leave me alone.  And they did, except for when I got hit by the stray vomit (but that was my fault for not moving my butt when she spit at us).  But she left me to get picked up by the teammates.  Afterwards, we finished the gens, and three of us escaped.  I ended my session after that, because I really didn't want to run into the same Killer a fourth time, and I was suffering a headache anyway, leftover from a cold I was recovering from.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,294

    This happened over the weekend:

    Solo queue game. Load into RPD. Hear Nurse blink. Feng gets first chase and does remarkably well. Two gens pop, and then the wheels absolutely come off.

    Feng gets unhooked, and the Nurse decides to tunnel. I'm halfway through bottom main lobby gen when Feng is placed on her 2nd hook in the basement by Nurse with 3 gens to go.

    Ace and Bill get a little greedy on the top main lobby gen. Ace takes a hit and decides to 1 for 1 Feng in the basement. Nurse leaves Ace slugged and goes for the tunnel again on Feng again. Bill takes a hit for Feng and also gets slugged. Then Feng gets slugged.

    So…it's only myself still standing. And have I mentioned I'm injured at this point? Feng is slugged on death hook. Ace and Bill are slugged. All on the same side of RPD against Nurse.

    BUT, Nurse makes a mistake and doesn't immediately pick Feng. I sneak in and get the Ace up, then manage to dodge a blink attack and get Feng. Ace gets Bill and we're back on life support.

    Feng manages to sneak away with Iron Will. To make a long story short, we manage to complete the remaining 3 gens and get 2 out of the gates. A wild game.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,244

    The Huntress should have minded her own business! This was between me and The Wraith! I had so much fun that match, it was hilarious 😂

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 876
    edited October 11

    This was a while ago now but I remember one time on Ormond (I was Dwight and the Killer was Spirit) I was the last Survivor left alive and the gates had been powered. She downs me by the gate but because all the hooks near the gate have been destroyed, I kept wriggling out of her grasp.

    She could have just left me on the floor to bleed out but nope, she just HAS to get me on a hook. So I keep wriggling out, using Lithe to vault a window to gain enough distance to make a teeny tiny bit of progress on the gate each time. I think I might have repeated this 5 or 6 times before… Success! I finally get the gate opened! She downs me inside the gate and once again, I try to wriggle off her shoulders. I'm nearly out, except I make a fatal error and don't quite reach a vault to Lithe away to victory and she finally pops me on a hook.

    I'm sure the experience was very frustrating for her, but I found the whole situation hilarious.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,249
    edited October 12

    Me and my friend were playing with two randoms, a Meg and a Nea. The killer was a Mikey. He hit tier 1 quickly because the Meg just sat there and fed him. The Nea seemed to be doing the same thing. I told my friend the Mikey's gonna have Tombstone and Tuft of Hair.

    The other two were letting Mikey feed off them. When Mikey went to where my friend was, he still hadn't left tier 2 yet. My friend let go of the gen to play the lute. No matter how quick a person tries to be, the lute sometimes just takes too dang long to start playing. Mikey instantly hit tier 3 and Tombstoned my friend.

    Well, Mikey let the other two run around in front of him endlessly and didn't touch them, but he Tombstoned my friend immediately, the moment he saw him, without any hello, how's the weather, how do you feel about getting stabbed. Since I didn't get to play the lute while my friend was Tombstoned and now he's not there to play the lute while I get Tombstoned, either, I decided I wasn't going to be Tombstoned. I held onto the gen and missed every skill check. Mikey stood there, watching me, as the gen got further and further away from being completed. He finally grabbed me off the gen and walked away from it, then dropped me on the ground.

    The Nea fearlessly came over, and he stood a few feet away and watched as she picked me up, which I allowed to happen…

    Mikey took a step towards me when I came up off the ground, surely happy to be standing well between me and the gen… and I Plot Twisted my ass right back down.

    Mikey stared at me on the ground… and he stared… I'd occasionally let Nea pick me up if he'd backed far enough away and then I'd Plot Twist myself back down… at some point Meg became a bot and Mikey Tombstoned Nea. He stared at me some more. When I was a second away from bleeding out, he picked me up and put me on a hook. He hit the gen in front of us a couple times, gazed passionately into my eyes while telling me exactly where I fall on the Hot Crazy Matrix, then walked away to go search for the Meg bot.

    (I'm curious if he would've Tombstoned me if I unhooked myself before he walked away. I don't know if he stood there a good bit longer than necessary to see if he could trick me or just to make absolutely sure I could unhook myself. I was on Switch, I couldn't ask him after the match. Any of you have an opinion on that?)

    I popped the gen and got out through the exit gate. Mikey Tombstoned the bot.

    Moral of the story: Injured Survivor with Plot Twist beats Tombstone. I hope Mikey cursed and laughed when I used Plot Twist that first time. It was meant as a cheeky little surprise.

    Post edited by TragicSolitude on