New Killer: The Radio Demon, aka "Alastor"

Godzilla2004 Member Posts: 6

Alastor, one of the most powerful overlords in hell, the Radio Demon wanted more power than ever before, and as requested, The Entity delivered.

In Game Special: Deal Maker

Deal Maker: Alastor is known to be quite devious in his contracts, at the start of the match each survivor has made a randomized deal with Alastor and each one has a different effect that is both positive and negative.

Contract 1: Generators progression rate is faster for the one survivor, but Alastor gains more movement speed.

Contract 2: Burnt trails of the one survivor are harder to see, but Alastor gains more strength in his basic attack.

Contract 3: The one Survivor gains more resistance to basic attacks, but Alastor's Special Ability "Enraged" cool down is shorter.

Contract 4: The one survivor can escape a hook 2 times at free will, but Alastor can see the one survivor's aura for 8 seconds when off hook.

Special Ability: Enraged

Enraged: Alastor can go into his more terrifying form, similar to how he looked at the end of the song "Stayed Gone", while in this form he can use a powered attack that can put a survivor in the dying state if they have been hooked once and if they are healed.

And that was it, I thought Alastor could be pretty cool for DBD, he would be voiced by his current voice actor, even though some might say he couldn't since his design is made for his style of animation. I believe however that his look from the show could look good still if it was in 3d, tell me what you think.