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Permanent Moment of Glory

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: After meeting the requirements for Moment of Glory to activate, it activated everytime I was injured (from healthy to injured, after being pallet saved and after being unhooked). It remained active even after a successful heal, resulting in more heals despite not opening more chests.
STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I played a match on Blood Lodge and opened a chest with plunderer's instinct and rumaged through it with appraisal, causing the perk to activate as supposed. After the first hit the timer began, but I was downed before the heal. When the killer picked me up, my teammate got the pallet save, which caused the timer to begin once again, even though the perk should have been deactivated. Afterwards, the perk activated when I got injured again, as well as when I was unhooked, despite not opening more chests, resulting in permanent Moment of Glory throughout the game.
- Player logs are required from PC players only.