Eyes Of Belmont + Object Of Obsession interaction

zarr Member Posts: 1,061

In yesterday's patch, you "Fixed an issue that caused the Eye of Belmont perk to behave inconsistently when paired with Object of Obsession perk."

I suppose the inconsistency was that since Object only shows you the killer aura as a result of them seeing your aura, the duration their aura is revealed to you by is never technically "specified" for Eyes Of Belmont's sake, as rather than a concrete time it is merely saying "for as long as they see you". And so you've gone and made it so that these two perks don't interact at all anymore.

I find this quite unfortunate because both of these perks are not the greatest or most popular (to put it mildly), and their interaction was really the only thing that made Eyes Of Belmont at all interesting to me. I would suggest fixing the inconsistency in the other direction: instead of making it so they don't interact at all, make it so that they now interact on any instance of the survivor aura being revealed for a specified amount of time. So as long as the thing that allows the killer to read the survivor's aura (and thereby causes the survivor to be able to read the killer's aura, thanks to Object) follows a discrete timer, Eyes Of Belmont should apply to Object's resulting killer aura reveal.