(Poll) How heavily do you want Skull Merchant reworked?
Title, basically.
(Poll) How heavily do you want Skull Merchant reworked? 41 votes
Heavy Rework (only keep basic elements of her power, drones do something different)
She needs a massive simplification. I didn't know what her drones did when she was released. I didn't know what her drones did when she got reworked. I still don't know what her drones do after her second rework.
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Complete Overhaul (completely new power made with her current assets from the ground up)
Go back to square 1 of making a drone killer
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Complete Overhaul (completely new power made with her current assets from the ground up)
As a Skull Merchant main: complete overhaul. Her current power design (place a static drone to create a dangerous area nearby) is flawed. It heavily promotes unfun play styles and camping.
Besides, a complete power overhaul is the only way to fix her reputation in the eyes of survivors and get rid of her infamous "3-genner" stigma.0 -
Medium Rework (keep "drone scans area" type power, like her past reworks)
It can be salvaged, if it is properly done.
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Medium Rework (keep "drone scans area" type power, like her past reworks)
Just revert her to her original state.
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Complete Overhaul (completely new power made with her current assets from the ground up)
I honestly think there is no salvaging her current power. The drones are simply boring because you set them in a loop and the survivor is screwed.
Small adjustments won't fix her core issues. She is a genuinely uninteractive killer, so she needs a pretty major rework.
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Heavy Rework (only keep basic elements of her power, drones do something different)
Can we make it so her drones actually move?
Instead of just.... awkwardly floating?
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Medium Rework (keep "drone scans area" type power, like her past reworks)
bring back the active zones along with the unique cool survivor running animation in the radius. But drones still will not be detecting anyone whos standing still or doing actions
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Complete Overhaul (completely new power made with her current assets from the ground up)
Here's what I propose:
Give her 4 unique drones with different names: A,B,C,D.
Cycle through drones to select.
Drone A is the "in chase" drone BHVR wanted her to have. Plop this one down in chase to hinder survivors and scan them - zapping them with a claw trap if they linger.
Drone B is a defensive drone, sort of like the original concept, where she gets Undetectable and a little speed boost in its zone.
Drone C is the drone a lot probably wanted - where it has a friggin GUN. It slowly sweeps and takes a moment to lock line-of site, but if it locks - it shoots out a claw trap and damages the Survivor. If the drone sees a nearby pallet, it dives into it and blows up to destroy it.
Drone D is the lore accurate one that kinda wanders around looking for survivors in a small radius (sort of like a Nemi Zombie) and starts following them with a spotlight, making alarms and revealing them once found.
Each drone has a different cooldown and returns to the Skull Merchant at different speeds when recalled.
Survivors get claw traps when they are scanned by drones or deactivate one.
I'd find this iteration of the SM much more interesting to play as and against, personally.
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Complete Overhaul (completely new power made with her current assets from the ground up)
Give her the Krueger treatment. Just completley scrap her current kit.
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Complete Overhaul (completely new power made with her current assets from the ground up)
keep her booty, rework the rest lol