We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Hex totems are so bad compared to Boons

Ziemniaczana Member Posts: 29
edited October 15 in General Discussions

I have more success with Boons than I do with Hex totems. I incorporated Boon Shadowstep and it's been a blast.

Hex totems? Gets cleansed or booned before it had any effect in the game. Hex: Ruin is absolutelly useless. Hex: Two Can Play is a waste of a perk slot. Hex: Undying is whatever. Hex: Third Seal is useless. Hex: Huntress Lullaby is useless or very niche, and it tells that its active despite having 0 tokens. Hex: Blood Favor is predrop hell. Hex: Devour Hope gets cleansed before it does anything. Hex: Face the Darkness is bugged and it's still a niche perk. Hex: Haunted Ground is everyone hiding or predropping. Hex: Retribution niche. Hex: Plaything is decent and so is Hex: Pentimento when you combine it with other hex totems. noed is lol flip a coin. Thrill of the hunt is situational. Wretched fate is niche.

I love Crowd Control now. Where are the buffs for Hex totems?


  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 307

    Buffs are never coming. God forbid Killers have fun.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,024

    I think that Hexes in general are fine, with their only problem being the insanely easy to find totem spawns.

    With some of these spawns, you could run the OG version of Ruin and it would still do nothing.

    With perks themselves, the only really bad ones are Huntress Lullaby, Wreched Fate and Two Can Play.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 725
    edited October 15

    IMO hex perks should maintain some kind of weaker version of their effect after being cleansed. The fact that they’re so easy to find, can be removed in seconds, and frankly aren’t very strong for most of them to begin with makes them a pretty bad option. Instead of being “high risk, high reward” they often feel like “extreme risk, zero reward.”

    If they had some kind of weaker effect after being cleansed, it wouldn’t feel like they’re not worth taking.

    For example, cleansed Ruin could lose the automatic regression but maybe it boosts the kicked regression to something between base regression and full Ruin. Cleansed lullaby could maintain its effect but maxed at 2 tokens. Cleansed Devour Hope would lose the mori but still allow instadowns at a high token number (7 or 8 maybe). Just as illustrations of what I’m thinking of.

    They’d still be a bad option but it wouldn’t feel completely like a wasted perk slot.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,714

    Hexes are a wasted slot.

    Always have been.

    Boons aren't.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 554

    I once created a thread with a similar topic, most totem perks are either too easy to destroy or they are so weak that even in a non-hex version they would not be taken


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,540

    If Hexes started with 60 seconds of corrupt I think it could be a good middle ground between, keeping them active long enough to get value, but rewarding survivors if they happen to see it and cleanse

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 457

    I agree. I can't think of any boon that is worth running, while in contrast there are some pretty decent Hex builds out there. Hex: Plaything by itself is a pretty good slowdown perk to force survivors to spend time on a second objective or punish them with permanent oblivious.

  • devoutartist
    devoutartist Member Posts: 123

    hex ruined is not useless i've had my share of wins with a pentimento ,ruin, retribution , gearhead where i completely steamroll you need to right killer ruined give you a lot of pressure if you know how to play it right all hexes are in a good spot for the most part with the right set up with the right killer you really don't want them to become strong for everyone it's absolutely ok for them to be strong with only certain killer/set up it's more healthy than everyone is running the perks

    and funny enough if hexes become obscene again/run all the time ppl will just run with maps items and then they will get pop hard and quick lmfao

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  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    imho, Hexes are fine, with the exception of Pentimento and maybe Blood Favor.

    Boons are mainly SWF related and are strong in SWFs, but idk, i don't think any changes need to happen for now.

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 370

    Then all hex perks would need nerfs since that idea would make hexes op