New Predator, Zanshin Tactics, Distortion changes, and the erasure of mind games are Horrible

I do not understand why any of these new changes went through, the new Predator is horrible by design as it punishes survivors for losing chase (outplaying the killer). This is made even worse when considering killers like Nurse who's only counter play is losing line of sight, it completely eliminates it.
Zanshin Tactics was a perk that DID NOT need to be changed, it was a very niche perk but having niche perks is 100% okay, it did what windows of opportunity does but now also reveals aura of survivors in loops. This is made worst when considering that for SOME REASON the killer can see your aura for 8 seconds when a pallet is dropped, when the survivor equivalent of this perk Troubleshooter only reveals the killer's aura for 6 seconds. AT LEAST make it consistent to both sides, it feels blatantly unfair to have killers reveal a survivor's aura for longer when killers like Pyramid Head can hit directly through walls for example.
The new Distortion is useless now especially with perks like the new Zanshin Tactics and Predator revealing aura and rewarding the killer for doing basically nothing, the token will be lost almost as soon as it is gained. Length in chase to gain tokens should be decreased and survivors should be able to gain up to 3 tokens and start with 3 tokens like previously.
These changes are especially egregious with how a lot of newer maps and tiles are either non existent or fillers, mind games are the most engaging and fun parts of chases for both sides, this shift has been actively causing me to play less survivor and more killer, as survivor has been progressively becoming less and less fun. Adding more cheap ways to reveal aura within chase with barely any counter is only going to further remove those aspects from gameplay, and make survivor feel more frustrating to play.
Preach it! Ther gospel of the Entity rings, pay attention BHVR!
In before "Killer perks should be more powerful than survivor"
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outside of nurse predator is a fine perk for begginers. The argument of it punishes survivors for losing chase doesn't work when so many other perks punish good plays even more .
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I politely disagree, the game already has things such as scratch marks and the sounds survivors make for tracking, beginners should learn how to find survivors or look for a different survivor if they lose los. Adding a perk that just reveals their aura just because you lose chase is redundant and rather silly imo. It feels too much like hand holding and kinda is a more glaring issue in the overall bigger picture in what my complaint is talking about. I can see where you're coming from though.
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Just out of interest, how does the new deathbound feel? It seems to be really good, I used it almost every game the last days on different killers xD
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I actually haven't tried it out yet but now that you mentioned it I'm tempted to, I can see it being good on certain killers/builds!
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It's very versatile because it makes every killer a lot more stealthy, in addition to that it gives you info on position and even survivors involved and if you first hit the person that got healed and then the other one you can hit'n run pretty good.