Freddys lullaby

I wish playing as Freddy you could slightly and softly hear his lullaby.
Only survivors hear it which I get but I wanna hear it too when I play as him and I don’t run into Freddy’s enough to do so lol
So you want to go crazy I see.
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I bet you wouldn't be saying this if you could actually hear it all the time as the Killer haha
It's not as varied as Huntress' lullaby so it would just repeat its 5 second loop over and over until you go crazy.
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yes exactly - but I think I already am. 🥸🤪🤪
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Not hearing the lullaby is one of the PERKS of playing Freddy. Wish the same happened with Huntress.
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One of the perks of playing Freddy? Does he have others?
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He has Predator by default
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Freddy is my main, the only thing I want to hear is the same intense chase music as the survivors are hearing, not the weird music that slightly resembles a cowboy riding on a horse in a Western film. It just gives me this "giddy-up" vibe.
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The ability to slap on Coup and ensure that survivors will insist his arms stretch.
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Hahaha, fair enough.
I'm really glad we don't see those "fix Freddy's lunge" posts anymore. They were extremely annoying.
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That's because the go-to way of complaining is insisting the killer is "boring". Can't really fit Freddy's lunge into the "boring" template of complaining.
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I was thinking this too. You can hear Sadakos lullaby as sadako, maybe occasionally with Freddy too. I’d love that