So I assume survivors aren't supposed to have fun?

Enter the void:

  • Survivors are perma-exhaused and perma-broken, on top of that they have to HOLD M1 to go there.
  • Killers are undetectable, can go to void instantly and can use their powers there (literally saw trapper setting traps on those wooden planks).

Void power:

  • Survivors can create some kind of smoke bomb that literally does nothing besides being silly, on top of that, survivors view is also obscured, because I guess why they should even have advantage in that, am I right?
    It won't even give killer blindness for a really short duration?
  • Killers have ability to inflict damage on survivors by releasing captured haunt, also already abused by double-tapping for example on Deathslinger

No kind of event pallets for survivors, no tempbuffs for healing, no some kind of Iron Will, literally nothing.

How could someone playtest this and said: yep, this event is somewhat fun on survivor side??



  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,452

    That explains a lot. I was surprised how fast the killer was near me. But i guess its fair, teleport looping is otherwise a bit too easy.

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,155

    Well I didn't guess very good, it's still no onetap. If you just press space once you'll hit into the air and stay exactly where you are xD

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 194

    Anybody else notice that there are zero tool boxes offered as well? Tell me you don't care about survivors without telling me you don't care about survivors

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,878

    Honestly, I'm having an easier/more fun time as survivor. I like throwing the stupid smoke pellets. I like kicking the pumpkins. I can come and go from the void whenever it's convenient for me.

    In my handful of killer games, I couldn't figure out how you were supposed to have time to do anything.

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  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 990

    I've been having fun in the event playing both sides. If you're going to really worry about trying to win as survivor, just don't go into the portal at all. There's no reason to, unless it's to help get distance from killer in chase with the side benefit of keeping them out of the normal realm while your teammates are doing gens. I've done this in many of my matches.

    The amount of survivor main player whining has been off the charts lately. If you're not having fun, then don't play. I'll gladly take the shorter queue times when I play survivor.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,367

    The smoke bombs are decent but it's not a guarantee distraction in chase. Sometimes it work if you got the right set up to miss direct and that about it. The portals being on the map will always benefit survivors more than the killer. Don't matter how fast the killer can enter the portal. If u was about go down because there no resources near by and a portal allow u to excape to the void with resources ... than that quite powerful. Going into the void already remove the killer ability to pressure the map so just entering one might get the killer to drop chase. I love last year event more but this void event pretty cool as well. We can mostly all agree standing still near hook is cheesy right? Was camping portals mid chase to teleport in and out last year not cheesy? How is the 0.2 second change a bad thing.

  • SlinderReaper
    SlinderReaper Member Posts: 8

    I say it's a fun idea, but the fact that killers 1 only have been running franklins and 2 killers again not only 1 have a advantage but 2 easily can abuse mechs, n survivors get pretty much a gag prop from the well. I got to escape only 1 time n that was by luck bc I got camped hard/tunneled n was able to get chased long enough for my team to finish all the gens n then thankfully come save me on death hook n me out play the killer n run n this was by a knight.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,145

    This event is pretty phoned in, uninspiring stuff.

    That said, as far as the actual void powers, survivor definitely got the better end of it. The void spirit only really as any utility to do a quick double tap when the survs are in animation.

    The void crystal "smoke bombs" are way more useful, and I've escaped 1-2 chases by using them pretty much every match.

    But a pretty disappointing event overall. Queue times are pretty long, and the quality of teammates/opponents I've been matched with has left a lot to be desired, even compared to solo queue. A higher percentage of bad killers, though, and today I escaped well over half the time. Maybe even 75%.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Whether or not the scales are tipped in the killers favour, going into the void IS disadvantageous for killers.

    It's an entirely seperate map with no objectives to defend. If a survivor is going into the void then you either leave them to it or leave the rest of the map unpressured. With how much of an issue "big maps" have always been for killers, this isn't an insubstantial handicap, the very existence of the void is bad for killers.

    So they should have the upper hand against survivors in this event. But like I said at the start, if those 'upper hands' are proportional I'm not sure.

  • PreorderBonus
    PreorderBonus Member Posts: 347

    How could someone playtest this and said: yep, this event is somewhat fun on survivor side??

    Because thankfully, devs aren't as negative or energy-draining as you seem to be in this post.

    "Survivors are perma-exhausted and perma-broken," you say as if this were a negative thing. You're exhausted so that you don't abuse perks, and you're broken so that you can't get healed for free every time you're injured.

    "Killers are undetectable, can go to the void instantly, and use their power there." Ah, there it is. Both killers and survivors have to hold down an action button to enter, and it's the exact same time for both sides. But what would you know? With this post, it’s clear you don’t even know there’s a "play as killer" button.

    "No kind of event pallets for survivors, no temp buffs for healing, no kind of Iron Will, literally nothing." You need BHVR to give you base kit buffs and perks to have fun? Lol.

    It's amazing how you managed to create a post consisting entirely of bad takes, to the point that I can't really tell if this is satire.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779

    Events always bring out the histrionics.

  • vBlossom_
    vBlossom_ Member Posts: 567

    "No kind of event pallets for survivors, no temp buffs for healing, no kind of Iron Will, literally nothing." You need BHVR to give you base kit buffs and perks to have fun? Lol.

    One side have ability to inflict damage in chase, plus it's already abused for double-tapping and insta-downing survivor.

    Other side have smoke bomb that obscures killers vision and also survivors. This smoke bomb don't reduse your grunts of pain, don't inflict blindness to the killer and basically does little to nothing at all, because if killer is chasing you, they might whiff in air once, but then they will hit you.

    Plus as someone above me said you didn't even read this post, so maybe do that beforehand?

  • PreorderBonus
    PreorderBonus Member Posts: 347

    Smoke bombs actually prevent killers from hearing anything while they're inside them, which you'd know if you'd played at least one match as Killer during this event. I highly recommend giving it a try, I promise BHVR isn't out to get you. Plus, there's still plenty of time left, so you have lots of days to get better with the smoke bombs, because if they’re 'doing anything at all' for you, it's clear you haven't gotten the hang of them yet.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    not survivor main but feel easier as survivor then killer smoke bomb are pain on killer survivor like every survivor got one every sec.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,785

    Wow killers can interact with something faster so its not a free chase win like last year. darn

  • PreorderBonus
    PreorderBonus Member Posts: 347

    Once the smoke fully expands, it muffles all sounds from both inside and outside the bubble, except for the terror radius. Feel free to check it out or post a clip if this isn't the case.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,300

    High risk/high reward. If you have distance on the killer, that other realm is there to have a confusion getaway, not to abuse like Vecna's map's portals.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,300

    Well, hey. If y'all aren't playing the event, because all you care about is "fun," then maybe I'll hop on and finally have some good teammates who want to win.

  • kittenofmetal
    kittenofmetal Member Posts: 3

    I don't understand why you all complain bout every event , I play both sides and iri 1 on both survivor and killer , this event I think the smoke bombs are super fun as a survivor, I've gotten away from a killer MULTIPLE times , you go into the void you're only broken for the time you're there and if you're spending longer than the seconds it takes to get the crystal then I wouldn't want to play with you . I think the event is pretty even for both sides , most people complain about how everything is killer sided but when you ask them " do you play killer " oh no I wouldn't ever want to . The event is fun for both sides , end of story .

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 899

    people are just ready to instantly jump to conclusions just because they have to feed the us vs. them narrative to the very top. Both void and smoke bombs are extremely good for survivors and literally managed to make me clutch couple of matches.

    While void isn't beneficial for killers, i still have fun going into it as the killer, i mean queues are separated during this event for a reason

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    Man that's terrible isn't it?

    That's how killers felt last year.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 376

    Had a really fun moment as killer (Doctor) where I spotted two survivors entering the void. I made sure they didn't see me, and I followed them out the same portal they were using, only to pop out right in front of two of them healing eachother.
    I bet they were scared the crap out of, and learned not to heal in front of a portal 🤣

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,744

    The event is super fun. Shure there is some stuff, that could be better, but that would also be the case if the event was perfect.

    You are being far too hateful.

  • Doxie
    Doxie Member Posts: 194

    I just posted a discussion about this. Basically since I'm mostly solo, my game play was avoid, gens only to get enough to open rifts and get crystals, avoid killer, avoid saves unless you are positive the killer is gone .. load up on smoke bombs ( I run speed burst and a well placed smoke bomb and speed burst usually gave me the escape). I also ran blood rush, vigil and second wind. Smash every pumpkin you can find.... Gameplay hatch. Even if the killer eventually gets you ...most time you get more points than everyone.... Including the killer