The Blood Echo "Buff" is a nerf

Metagamer Member Posts: 25
edited October 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Most people probably are aware of the recent change to the perk Blood Echo. Something that was talked about for a long time regarding the perk was the cooldown it had despite being an "On Hook" effect.

What people should also be aware of is the fact that hooking 2 survivors within the same minute as any non-S tier killer is not a common occurrence. So the fact that when removing the cooldown to a generally considered bad perk they decide to nerf the duration of its mediocre effect by 33.3% as "compensation" just hurts me inside.

They aren't willing to flat buff bad perks, they just give weird side-grades or meaningless pluses with crippling reductions. Can we try to push for a blood echo buff? I want my anti-exhaustion on hook to actually, you know, exhaust (and not literally REQUIRE mindbreaker to keep the exhaustion long enough to get to a survivor on a gen).

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,233

    Yeah I agree. The change didn't make Blood Echo better overall since it only matters if you actually get 2 hooks within 60 seconds, and otherwise it's just weaker than before since the duration was reduced. It wasn't strong enough to warrant a compensation nerf at all and it should go back to 45 seconds with no cooldown.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,707

    You need to get 2 hooks within 45 seconds for this change to be better. If you got your 2nd hook at 50 seconds you would still be better off with the old one.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,233

    The duration was 45 seconds, but the cooldown was 60 seconds. If you got your 2nd hook 50 seconds after the 1st one it wouldn't do anything on the 2nd hook.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,707

    could have sworn it was 45 seconds for both cd and duration

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 301

    yeah it is a terrible perk still . Both before and after

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited October 2024

    your meant to use mindbreaker to keep exhaustion on generator. i am not sure if they changed this but the way mindbreaker used to work is it kept your exhaustion timer paused when working on the generator.

    so gameplay is hook with blood echo, apply 30 second of exhaustion, survivor stays on gen, they keep 30 second of exhaustion. Worth the perk slots? No but at least perk is better in synergy than previously.


    My post:

    the problem with these exhaustion perks is that each of them have distinct weakness where killer equips a perk to counter another perk but exhaustion perk can still be used making the perk worthless.

    Blood echo's weakness is staying healthy. that's the problem. it doesn't work healthy. the current buff didn't address why i didn't wanna run the perk. cooldown is whatever. the duration is also laughable. it doesn't even last proper 40 seconds.

    Genetic limits weakness is staying injured or using exhaustion perk before you get hit. it is pointless perk. it has 1 use which is to counter Iron will BUT iron will users STAY injured anyway. so to fix weakness of pointless perk you have to run blood echo.

    Mindbreaker weakness is its duration. its duration is only 5 seconds so survivor can walk out exhaustion mid-chase. It also requires survivors to touch a gen but if they're efficient, they have touch gens so it is lose/lose if they don't. best of anti-exhaustion perks.

    Stypic touch is bad on multiple fronts but even if this perk just worked every time you healed for 30 seconds, its issue is that survivor don't need heal to finish the game. when they do heal, the exhaustion might not matter.

    as a result, all the anti-exhaustion perks are total pointless. the only one that has any merit to being used is mindbreaker because it has least weaknesses and the most strengths. these perk replace Chase perks for killer by debuffing survivors chase. the issue is why run a perk to debuff chase when you can run a perk that buffs your chase. the main usage of these perk is to be used Legion and Spirit/Dracula, also nurse when dh was a strong. Legion uses it because it can make easier to chain 4 hits because exhaustion and split up deletes legion's ability. It is still not worth it for him because his chase is bad at base but anyway. Spirit and Dracula only use it to counter iron but better option SHOULD BE stridor but its bugged. Nurse can use exhaustion to nerf dead hard but most nurses don't run it. i think it is because most nurses just tunnel so exhaustion perks are not very useful vs nurse's catch-up capacity.

    People are finally realizing how bad killer perk buffs are in comparison to survivor buffs. i already said during PTB. Nothing surprises me in regards to everyone realization.

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  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,001

    Year, the perk is still pretty bad because as a killer you have less control about the injury status of the survivors when you hook someone. In addition, it is also difficult to say if someone is still exhausted while if they sitting on gens, they will get their exhaustion back easily. It only feels decent to use on Plague and Legion because players rather stay injured against them and they struggle with exhaustion perks. On other killers, Genetic Limits might be better while some killers don't really care about Lithe, Sprint Burst, or something else. But even then 30sec of exhaustion is not that much. The developers should buff it back to 45sec. In addition, Haemorrhage for 30sec is not the best status effect, so they should replace it with something else like blindness (better for Plague and Legion) or that injured survivors scream when you hook the survivor so they get the idea where their next target is.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    It's funny that all you ever hear with killers is "counterplay this" or "no counterplay that". Meanwhile, exhaustion perks for survivor are some of the most annoying and boring perks to verse as killer, have zero counterplay outside of a perk (and even then, perks designed to combat exhaustion are incredibly weak because having a good counter to survivors powerful perks is "BoRiNg"), and somehow this is considered "fine".

    Exhaustion perks on the survivor side wouldn't NEED counterplay like Blood Echo or Mindbreaker for example, if they actually had to be earned.