state of the game

codebibi Member Posts: 97
edited October 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

the game is really awful to play as survivor since the mid chapter update. the toxicity increased by a lot, killers have been camping tunneling and slugging 10 times more than before and the hit validation is messed up killers hit survivors from miles away. the extreme toxicity of killers is ruining the event and the game and somthing needs to be done.


  • Gplays2000
    Gplays2000 Member Posts: 214

    They won't do anything as they do not care about survivor :) just a heads up. They will say things like just take unbreakable haha as that will solve anything…lmao

  • Arbmos1998
    Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 228

    Toxicity is done on both ends especially during an event. I did a 7hr stream today and I am not even exaggerating when I say every match were draws and losses bar 3 which I actually won (3-4k). I usually go against cream of the crop strong efficient survivors but tonight felt like every match was a comp tryout, easily the sweatiest session I have had on DBD in a LONG time. A lot of matches not a single player even used the Void once and I just couldn't adapt the time management into spending minimum 20 seconds into getting the Void ability the efficiency I went against tonight could easily be mistake for cheating. On average my matches were between 5-6 mins, some matches even all gens completion at the 4 minute mark.

    This lead to people with massive egos coming to the chat flexing their win, hate watching for mins on end. Thankfully my community were able to weed them out but I can assure you a lot of survivors I went against today are determined to try and piss killers off.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    I like how slugging has entered the tired complaints about "camping and tunneling". The sideways push for basekit unbreakable is ridiculous.

    If you really feel this way I encourage you to record your games. You'll find this stuff doesn't actually happen that often, if at all.

  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 275

    every match were draws and losses bar 3

    It's weird that you're losing enough to complain, but you're still facing "strong efficient survivors". You don't get to that point by losing. The survivor complaints are justified, just not by those "cream of the crop" players. They're justified by the 75%+ 4ks (see Scott Jund's latest video) that you had to get to this point.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 879

    Camping and tunnelling (especially the latter) always were and will always be complained about. Slugging joined because the Finisher Mori system (in it's current iteration at least, there's room for mending) actively encourages slugging for the 4k to see the shiny animation (which will get worse after every new Killer/Visceral skin/eventual Mori dlc). It wouldn't even be that complicated to make the Finisher Mori system much healthier.

    It was expected and predicted by many that slugging would become worse as a result so it's nothing surprising even if unfortunate.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 857
    edited October 2024

    True and when people was against hook respawns, killers said oh we wont slug as much anymore which I knew that was a pack of lies to get us to not complain about it.

    Ofc slugging was gonna be worst with this finisher mori disaster. Really baffling somthing people said no to came back and worst at that half of it, were is our base ub

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    My perspective is skewed because I've always just gone and found the killer to get in one final chase because I don't care about hatch, but I have started to track my games.

    Out of fifteen matches I saw one camping/tunneling example. It was me on rpd vs an iri head huntress. 2 out at the end. It would have been 3 but I messed up and let her get an m1.

    Slugged for the 4k once, vs a dark Lord. I didn't spend more than 1:30 or so on the ground.

    Now previously I almost never got slugged for the 4k, contrary to popular sentiment. So I'll concede that it has increased. 0-1 is indeed an increase. My sample size is very small but congruent with official numbers on being slugged inordinately and Scott junds tunneling video and poll. Frankly I do not believe people who claim to see this stuff frequently. They won't play duos with me. They don't have evidence. It's incongruent with all the other evidence.

    Finally it's pretty obvious what people screeching about slugging want: basekit unbreakable. They got basekit BT. They got anti facecamp. Now they want more. I've seen people saying they want basekit Windows as well. Suppose after they get UB that'll be the next target.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 714

    I played about 70:30 survivor:killer before the finisher mori was implemented. Then it took me some days to even want to try a survivor match. What I've found since then is that proxy camping and tunneling appear to be the rule now rather than the exception. It's become shockingly common for the killer to run back to hook and come at me if I've just been unhooked.

    Slugging for the 4k also appears to be practically expected now, and I actually breathe a sigh of relief when I see the third survivor get picked up. It's quite uncommon. The toxicity level I've been seeing has reached a point where the game is becoming unrewarding. I'd say this isn't a sideways push for basekit unbreakable, but more of a desire to keep the game enjoyable.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on these experiences that are completely opposite mine. Again, I invite you or anyone to show me these very common games where the no good bad killer is always running back to the hook and being a bad boy and hitting the guy off hook. It happens rarely.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 879
    edited October 2024

    People don't want basekit Unbreakable (there's a reason why it was rejected the first time, basically the whole playerbase united in backlash against it, a rather unique event, there were 1-hour videos of people abusing the hell out of basekit Unbreakable to torment Killers and Killers slugging non-stop until bleedout in search of that 4-man/3-man slug to end the match instantly), any player with a kernel of experience and logic can see that basekit Unbreakable will create more problems than it solves.

    However I do think that Survivors should have a "insta-bleedout" optional button under certain circumstances;

    1: If only 2 Survivors remain.

    2: If all remaining Survivors are incapable of playing (either downed without perks to self-recover or on 2nd hook/caged).

    3: If slugged for 2m+ (how often does anyone gets slugged for 2+ minutes unless the Killer is either slugging for the 4k, trolling, or purposefully going for a slugfest after tunnelling the first Survivor?).

    In the first two scenarios, the game is already over and literally any time spent in the game is effectively wasted, either out of spite or petty revenge is variable. The third is sadly something that happens from time to time and is legitimately only a way out to avoid useless BMing.

    Giving Survivors basekit recovery isn't the way to go as it is too-easily abused by SWF and creates lose-lose situations often. However most games end in a slog and just a "go next" option should be available when it drags on. The game is meant to be played, it's not normal to regularly just tab out to do something else because you're stuck watching a 4-minute cutscene (or in case of SWF, stuck waiting on your friend to watch a 4-minute cutscene so you can play again) with no way to skip it.

    Post edited by Skillfulstone on
  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 714

    I'd definitely agree that basekit UB could easily be abused. As far as insta-bleedout, it's probably a valid option. I think it would feel very unsatisfying, but it would nerf the slugging for 4k nonsense.

    Having said that, and in regards to OP's other comments, I do feel my matches have been much more stressful overall as a result of more abusive playstyles recently. The slugging is definitely part of it, but I've especially perceived an increase in proxy camping and tunneling. These days I practically expect to get chased if I don't run faster than my unhooker.