

Fallout DLC

Member Posts: 2,280
edited October 2024 in Creations

Disclaimer: this is mostly due to @hygcat inspiring us to bother and cause it's Fallout day. This was worked in a relatively short time so don't expect fully balanced things. It's also LONG but with stories. Things in brackets [like this] is alternatives we thought of that could be fair and that we'd like. Also copy and paste makes text walls. All that said, enjoy the show.

Edit: ok, this is harder to post in 1 go than we thought.


  • Member Posts: 2,280
    edited October 2024

    Killer: The Glowing One

    Name: Kevin Everyman

    Difficulty: Medium

    Overview: A radioactive killer who's presence weakens survivors.

    Terror Radius: 32 Meters

    Weapon: Glowing Claws

    Speed: 115%

    Appearance: A glowing one from the Fallout series

    Ability: Radioactive Presence - Survivors within the terror radius build up rads based on proximity to the killer. Injuring a survivor inflicts 25 rads. At 50 rads suffers a penalty to action speeds. A survivor becomes broken at 100 rads. Survivors can grab radaway at various spots.

    The actions are healing, sabotaging, repairing, blessing/cleansing totems, and opening chests.

    The penalty speed is 10-20%. We can't agree on what it should be but should be noticeable as to incentivise grabbing Radaway but should be able to work through it if desperate.

    Rads build up at 2 [1.5] per second. Survivors don't gain rads while in the dying state or on hook.

    If the killer doesn't have a terror radius then rads don't build up. This is here for the sake of thoroughness.

    Survivors do gain rads through lockers at half speed.

    Survivors in chase also gain rads at half speed.

    Irradiated survivors can't spread rads. It's not infectious, we promise.

    Radaway is gained via interacting with a vendor then using the item similar to a vaccine.

    There are 4 vendors scattered randomly by default. There's an unlimited number of radaway, but like Hux’s emp takes time to produce.

    The Glowing One can see these vendors.

    Radaway removes 100 rads.

    Using radaway does not heal survivors, only removes rads, aka only broken and the penalties.

    Perks that transfer the terror radius will not work with the power. Ex: Dark Devotion will not continuously give the obsession and all around them rads. This works on the principle of since the killer is gaining undetectable the Glowing One doesn't have a terror radius.

    The Glowing One can not see how many rads survivors have. The Glowing One can see when ppl become broken on the hud though and get a score event.

    Feral Rush - Hold the ability button to burst into a sprint and leaping lunge, damaging the first survivor in your path. Survivors injured this way gain an additional 25 rads.

    You tumble after the lunge like ghouls do in Fallout, YAY camera screw~ This isn't necessary or even probably a good idea but we want it so it's here.

    Decent hit box if the above applies. Otherwise Wesker es que hit box.

    Similar to Blights CD. Maybe a bit longer [To lazy to think about exact times]

    If hit, survivors gain 50 rads total. 25 from injury, 25 from this.

    Can break pallets and walls when airborne.

    If you are stunned while running, your rush ends.

    You can let go early once you're at maximum speed. You can not let go before maximum speed.

    Rushing lasts for 6 seconds and at the end you will lunge.

    The lunge is roughly 6 meters

    We know that this one especially needs tweaking but we can't agree on what it should be. We know people will use it for mobility so it can't be too long, but too short is painful.

    Rush speed builds to 5.5 over a short time.

    If you hit a large object you immediately start the tumble animation. This allows you to use objects and walls as breaks similar to Wesker.


    Radiophobia - While within the killer's terror radius, survivors suffer from Blindness. The effects linger for 3/4/5 seconds after leaving the terror radius.

    3 second linger

    4 second linger

    5 second linger

    We are aware of the possibility/inevitability of people abusing this for slugging. We can't stop people from being @####### but we ain't letting that stop us.

    Ghoulish Resilience - Whenever you would be stunned instead you suffer from 50 [60]% hindered. The penalty rapidly decays after 2.5/3/3.5 seconds. [This perk goes on CD for 30 seconds]

    3.5 seconds before decay

    3 seconds before decay

    2.5 seconds before decay

    You don't drop survivors on stuns.

    The pallet does not break if you get hit.

    The decay is effectively 1 second till you are back to normal speed after the initial time. So in effect it is 3.5/4/4.5 for the whole hindered.

    Like Hux's overheat, you can still move and swing.

    This is on all stuns. Head on, DS, blast mine and the like will trigger this.

    It does work with spirit fury, though it's an objectively worse version than enduring fury for those paranoid folks. Technically it's a discount Hux's overheat for 2 perk slots.

    Radioactive Fallout - The last generator you performed the damage generator action on will continue to regress at 80/90/100% speed as long as it is not being repaired or until it reaches 0 charges.

    80 regression speed

    90 regression speed

    100 regression speed

    Works similar to ruin but only affects the last generator you kicked.

    The initial 100 speed still applies. It's when survivors repair the initial 5% does the perk applies itself. Ex: at t1, it regresses at 100 until repaired abit, then regresses at 80.

    This only works if you kick the gen. Like machine learning, no surge, pain res, etc. will trigger this.

  • Member Posts: 2,280


    Name: Adam [Male Vault Dweller] Ava [Female Vault Dweller]

    Role: A wasteland survivor

    Difficulty: Hard

    Overview: A vault dweller who has survived the harsh nuclear wasteland. They're perks allow them to help their team by revealing and debuffing the killer while having a random buff to certain actions.


    V.A.T.S Assisted - V.A.T.S Assisted charges while looking at the killer. After charging for 80/70/60 seconds [variable], press the activate ability to reveal the killer's aura to all survivors for 5 [variable] seconds.

    It can charge while on hook.

    We would like it so it can be used on a hook.

    Wasteland Humor - While you are hooked, the killer is inflicted with blindness while within 12 meters of the hook and lingers for 6/8/10 seconds. If you are the obsession the effects and range is doubled. Increases the chance to become the obsession.

    S.P.E.C.I.A.L - At the start of the trial gain a 5/6/7% [8/9/10] bonus chosen randomly.

    The possible bonuses are: Stuns (Ex: longer pallet Stuns, head on, etc), aura reading range, status recovery (ex: exhaustion, mangled, etc), co-op action speed, repair speed, vault speed, and luck.

    We are aware that this one is probably unlikely and needs to be HEAVILY tweaked but we'd like something like this. So :p

    The bonus is chosen at random from the start of the trial. There will be something to indicate what bonus you get (S.P.E.C.I.A.L).

    Only you know what bonus you got. Obviously you can tell your friends over discord or something.

    The bonus lasts for the whole trial, but you cannot change it.

    There are no conditions or restrictions on it.

    The logic being that you can't plan with it and some will often be borderline useless but if RNG favors you you get a decent buff that lasts forever. We are reluctant to pick numbers higher than 10 because multiple survivors.

    Appearance: As close to the vault boy/girl as possible.

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