Devs, I'm NOT HAPPY with this kind of balance patches:

Seriously Devs? I'm usually happy for balancement changes, but ALL THESE changes, in a "bug fix patch", without any announcement before, or asking feedback from the community?!
These kind of changes should go in a PTB, and not go through like this as a sort of "emergency nerf".
I'm really really disappointed on the way these things are being done, tho I agree with just some of these.
I don't like the nerf to Machine Learning, because mostly you have to throw the match to get value.
Same for the buff to Distortion, and nerf to Inner Focus.
Also for the nerf to Predator and Zanshin tactics I'm not sure it's the right thing.
Good for the buffs to Skull Merchant, but why not announcement?????
I'm REALLY really really really disappointed with the way these things are being conducted, especially for the no announcement.
I don’t like the ptb, I hate waiting a month for the update.
The distortion buff was announced before.
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Machine Learning -ok I guess
Predator-just make Nurse not be able to read Auras like the Spirit when using her power.
Zanshin -ok I guess
Distortion -good
Inner focus-makes sense
WGLF-ok I guess but I'm not happy
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Ok, sure, that's good. I agree with this, 100%. I didn't know.
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Yeah, exactly. Just freaking nerf Nurse preventing her from seeing auras. I 100% agree with this.
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Game design isn't a player democracy, my friend. It is a complex balance of creativity, vision, and technical constraints. While player feedback is incredibly valuable and helps inform bHVR decisions, the ultimate direction of the game rests on the designers and developers. In short they will ask us for our opinions on things they are not 99%, sure is a good idea anyway.
But Predator and Zanshin tactics, you could 100% tell they were jacked up.
Distortion Buff was already announce a week ago or ON RELEASE.
Besides they have been observing those perks for a week and there would be no need to announce small changes like that.1 -
Feedback was given throughout. These changes are based on Feedback. Some we already knew were going to happen.
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I already know what you said, you're 100% right. It's not a democracy, I know. But I think the community should always be asked first, not always just Consultants.
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Maybe you're right, and I didn't see the feedback?
Anyway, the changes should be proposed first, and then give a little bit of time so the community can say the opinions in case something is really really out of what the community wants.
UNLESS something is really really important to be emergency nerfed ASAP.
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Just 1 question to the Devs: why wasn't Resurgence emergency nerfed also ASAP? Why Machine Learning over Resurgence?
It's so so strong, to the point that it's not even a question on whether it's OP or not, because it's 101% one of the strongest anti pressure perks ever created.
Just 2 of it can completely ruin a match for a killer.