My tips for playing against Pinhead in solo q

I know that a lot of survivors, especially those in solo q, feel like giving up when they find out they're playing against Pinhead. They fear that no one will solve the box and it will be endless chain hunts all around. So, as someone who plays Pinhead often, I wanted to share some advice in how to best deal with his main slowdown feature, the box.
The problem isn't just in finding the box, but knowing the most effective time to solve it. Don't just stumble upon the box and immediately start solving it. That's a rookie mistake. It gives Pinhead an opportunity to go right to you and get a hook. Ideally, you want to find the box (which is highlighted on the map from quite a distance unless Pinhead is running the iri box add on) And you want to run around with the box in your hands until Pinhead is distracted. This would be when Pinhead is either in a prolonged chase but it is ideally be when he is walking someone to a hook. This is where it's important to understand killer logic. And how killers get locked into certain actions, such as chasing and hooking. There may be a Pinhead here or there who will leave chase or drop a person, but many will not.
The best way to play against Pinhead is to have the box as much as possible, solve it when the risk for Pinhead to teleport is at its lowest, and keep the box out of Pinhead's hands as much as humanly possible. (He can reveal your location if he solves it.)
How funny you post this as I finally reached an epiphany playing against him a couple of days ago.
After holding onto the box and the gold meter fills up, how does all of that work? It seems like chain hunt starts after a while but just for the one holding the box?
I knew about solving the box while he is in chase. It never occurred to me to solve it while he is taking someone to the hook. I love to learn so thank you for teaching me that 😊