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Can't take the tunnelers.



  • iceeinchrg
    iceeinchrg Member Posts: 24

    Do I tunnel? Sometimes. Stop unhooking the survivor before I even leave the area. Take 20-30 seconds and go do a generator, not unhook them when I’m one tile over kicking a generator or breaking a pallet. And don’t just stand there healing in the open afterwards.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 794

    I think at this point it's just part of the game, is actual gameplay, and the Devs will never address it.

  • Autharia
    Autharia Member Posts: 457

    All those games the devs aim for a 50'50 win rate, not a 60/40 and then let things that give one side a 90/10 win rate.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,253

    The best part that it's only expected of killers to be mindful of the other team's fun.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 468

    This is false. People don't like bully squads for a reason. The only reasons they're talked about less than certain killer tactics are that they're less common than things like tunneling, slugging for 4k, and proxy camping, and they tend to lead to wins for the killer since they're not doing gens much. Personally, I kind of enjoy bully squads since I usually get a 4k against them :)

    All players are generally expected by the community to consider the fun of other players. And honestly, that should be the expectation of any person playing any game with other people (possibly with the exception of professional sports). We all play games for fun, so if we do things that make the game unreasonable for other players, the whole goal of the game is gone.

  • CorgiSploots
    CorgiSploots Member Posts: 7

    it's the fault of the devs, not survivor players. Devs should be pushing killer players to improve their game play not allow them to make a dead lobby because they can't loop/face a wall when picking up. I knew the killer buffs would end in this result it's not actually improving anything it's just skating people through the pretend ranks to make them feel better. When they hit the skill difference in the lobby they hit it hard and it did nothing for actual good killers whatsoever because they are going against people of their same skill same as before.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 468

    I'm always against tunneling without something that provokes it, but it sounds like that person was asking for it. Sorry you had a bad friendly match :(

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 468

    lol same here. I will get aggressive back at bully squads though. 4k against them gives me a mixture of 'good… you're all slugged now' and 'why are there matches like this?'

  • Tamo
    Tamo Member Posts: 77

    I won't elaborate on all you've already said, I agree fully though. It's nice to see another opinion of the same. This event has sucked just like DbD for months if not years now, it's steadily been getting worse & I can't take it anymore. I get fed up in games & if I am one of the last two if I had to bet on it I'm usually the one waiting forever on the floor just to get Mori'd. It's just not fun anymore. I hate how much time I've put into this game, we're not going to talk about the money either. My heart goes out to you.

  • ChuckingWong
    ChuckingWong Member Posts: 426

    Amazes me how its even allowed still. There is 0 counter play to it.

    Killer wants you out, youre out. Absolutely nothing you can do about it.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 468

    Agreed about those feelings of things going downhill. It feels like tunneling and slugging for 4k are out of control, and then the last survivor often gets moried just to cap off a match that makes me wonder why I started up the game. I think I've only played a few hours in the last week as a result, and more as killer than normal because I don't want to deal with things like that. It's like after countless hours in the game, I'm being told that now it's a different game.

    As killer, I treat survivors how I like to be treated, and it's sad that I find it refreshing to see a killer who doesn't tunnel or slug for 4k. But when it happens I always tell the killer they're awesome, regardless of whether all survivors got out or if it's a 4k. It's a serious minority of matches :/

  • This game isn't about balanced game play or fun anymore, it's about buying overpriced cosmetics…

    It's an 8+ year old mess… all behavior has left is the cosmetic shop keeping their employees employed.

    The only thing you can do now as a survivor is rush gens and then play around at the end game…. and killer side is such a joke now… I literally let this one time do 3 gens while I broke walls for one of those challenges and I still managed to 4K them as a Wraith… with old school perks (no aura reading) …. this game is an absolute joke on killer side now.

  • PuddleOfBludd
    PuddleOfBludd Member Posts: 155

    in my experience on both sides of the fence, the only time it EVER becomes a 90/10 is when the survivors are going out of their way to not do generators and attempting to BM the killer constantly. I have had games as survivor where my teammates decided that that was what they were going to do rather than doing objectives and then they aren’t happy when the game goes to #########.

    and forget about even video games or anything else like that. We can go with the board game monopoly, when you land on a space you’re not thinking about whether another person is having fun because you bought the property they wanted. You’re not thinking about somebody else’s fun in any game you’re thinking about your own fun. Survivor mains seem to think that killers should play in a way that is beneficial for them. So as long as all four survivors are getting out, then the killer has played correctly, but if anything happens that doesn’t allow them to just do a generator repairs simulator then they classify this as toxic. So basically, if you’re not allowed to win all the time, the killer is toxic because you have some unwarranted ego that makes you think you are some god tier survivor that should be escaping almost every trial. When you are reminded that you are not as good as you think you are, your resolution to this is the claim it’s toxic. Get over yourself.

  • PuddleOfBludd
    PuddleOfBludd Member Posts: 155

    and I blame 90% of this on streamers. Not directly but indirectly. You have people watching these streams and seeing what these survivor streamers are doing and they try to replicate it and it doesn’t work out for them and because they think that by playing this set of perks that the streamer told them to they should suddenly be infinitely better at the game, when they are not, the only thing they can resort to is saying oh well, the killer played toxic. We would’ve won if they would’ve played in the way that was beneficial to us. And that in itself is admitting your skill issue. If you need a killer to play a certain way in order for you to win that demonstrates 100% that you’re not good at the game and you need the killer to basically give you the win

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 468

    Did you say that people aren't thinking of other people's fun when they play games with other people? Is that a typo or maybe I read it wrong or something? I'm genuinely asking.

  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 316

    Cam to post a discussion of a similar tone. It is a christmas event. there are snowballs and snowmen. It is meant to have relax and have fun, to goof off. Yet so many are treating this no different than regular 1v4. had three tunneling matches in a row then a slugging/camping huntress.

    Like why are people joining the xmas event just to sweat and not actually use anything that the event adds in. Like i have yet to have a killer throw a single snowball or use a snowman. they dont even check em! its just so pathetic to me that people only have fun under the condition that they win.

    Meanwhile as killer i play as santa clown and only go after the survivors who have no xmas spirit. then i have snowball fights and make snowmen with the ones that do.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 376

    Nope, it's because there are 4 slots to fill and if there are less surviviors it's going to take more time to fill them.

  • PuddleOfBludd
    PuddleOfBludd Member Posts: 155

    Yes, I did. You are not going to convince me that somebody loads up a game and thinks about what fun the strangers that they get paired with are having. That’s just not happening.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,682

    The only time the people on the smaller queue would have to wait 15 minutes instead of having instant games would be if the playerbase is abysmally small and it took 15 minutes for 4 ppl to log on. This game isn't THAT dead, lol. Games that have playerbases in the double digits have that problem.

    Sidenote, don't respond to comments older than a month.

  • BorisDDAA
    BorisDDAA Member Posts: 50
    edited December 17

    actually wrong. Billion of videos about "ultra toxic genrushing swf" across the years. Genrushing? toxic. Looping? toxic. Saving teammates? Toxic. Using perks? Crutch perk abusers. So let's not be hypocritical. Killers complaining about survivors cranking the gens too fast or using 10000 "second chance" perks still happens now.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 468
    edited December 17

    I care for the feelings and opinions of others every time I interact with other humans in any way.

    Caring for the feelings of other people is a fundamental life skill that heavily impacts anyone we interact with, and which has an effect back on ourselves as a result.

    If we don't care for the feelings of people other than ourselves, and just do whatever we want even if it causes other people to endure needless negative impacts, then those people we interact with will have a worse time. When the enjoyment of the community decreases, more people are likely to take the same approach of not caring, or even just abandon the community entirely. If we care about the feelings of other people though, it will have a positive impact on our community, with more people wanting to make their interactions with other people into more enjoyable experiences. The community is lifted up as a result. It happens in the game and in broader life :)