Am I being a spoiled brat?
I'm a survivor-main, only raison I'm not a survivor-only is the rewards and tomes. Am I being a spoiled brat to think it's "sad" being forced into a role I just really don't like? Or do some survs/killers feel the same way?
I hate that for daily quests most time it is killer one and I really only feel to play killer if I wanna drop the game willingly for tome challenges its easier to get challenges done as killer compare to survivor
Also I would not mind if daily is more simple like play any survivor/killer with x perk loadnout.I only play wesker/trickster/vecna t.t and I do not wanna play some survivor like loud jeff or Meg who makes more noises while running compare to the other survivors.
Post edited by buggybug on4 -
EDIT: off-topic, I completely misread OP's post lol.
Yes I think "sad" is the right word to describe the survivor situation.
I genuinely don't understand how people can play soloQ in its current state. Between slugging, teammates giving up at 5 gens, and the honestly disturbing amount of griefers on killer now (who will eg. watch your character bleed out for 4 minutes). The game has always been unfair. But now it's just savage. Even when you are not playing against an actual psychopath, it feels like you spend more time in loading screens and watching slugging/death animations of your character than actually playing it. So many times you are put in a losing situation within the first 30 sec of the match, and then you spend 10 minutes just waiting for your death, hoping for the next match to be better, but it won't be. Depressing.
I used to main only survivor around 2021. When the devs shifted towards 60% killrate, I started playing killer thinking they would eventually revert it. Since they didn't, I have almost never played survivor again, and I've become sort of a killer main now. I think the killer experience is a lot more fun than survivor, but you have to approach it with the right mindset. I don't play sweaty at all, try to 12-hooks when possible, and often let a survivor go when something funny happen, which is surprisingly common. Even with meme-y builds, I rarely lose, and the experience is generally chill (not to say it's always like that- more about it later), also survivors usually understand I've been playing nicely and don't trashtalk in endgame. I truly believe this was the dev vision for the 60% killrate.
Regularly, I play against survivor streamers, and I watch the VOD afterwards looking for funny clips. But then, I keep watching their stream, and I realize how miserable the rest of their matches actually are. They face comp killers every game, teammates giving up every game, killers griefing them. I've seen a small streamer who played in an adorable way (tried to gather items under the Christmas tree on Ormond) get forced by the killer to do all 5 gens alone while the killer was holding her hostage through a bot. I've seen Skermz get bled out on stream, at least ten times. That's 5000+ viewers watching their streamer do nothing for 4 full minutes while the killer watches them like a psychopath. Usually, the streamers can cover this and make it funny because of their personality, but you can tell how depressing it must be for someone who plays this game alone.
As I grow older, I realize time is very valuable, and you shouldn't spend it on a video game UNLESS it's for a very good one. SoloQ in DBD, is not just unfun, it is depressing: so you are basically wasting your time, to get depressed - totally backwards. This is even more backwards that there will be people giving questionable advice like "you need 2k hours to be a good player at this game" - dude no, the goal is to have fun now, not to sink your life in DBD to have a chance to have fun later, otherwise this is borderline addiction.
On the other hand there's something important to acknowledge. Playing killer for years made me realize the game can also be hard for killers, and you can actually be put in helpless situations on killer, too. The 4-man SWFs who send you to Azarov are not a myth, they DO exist, albeit rare: but the same way that as survivor, you face some comp-wannabes Nurses who want to go for 4ks every match, there will be players like this on the survivor side.
This is why "Us vs. Them" is usually counterproductive, as both sides can be 2 sides of the same coin, and you will miss half the story if you only play one side. For example, survivors get bled out for 4 minutes, so they come on the forum complaining about "slugging" - and rightfully so -, but most killer players do not bleed out survivors, so from their perspective "slugging" means occasionally leaving a survivor for 1 minute on the ground - and they argue against it, rightfully so. We have two sides disagreeing, each only sees their perspective, and they don't even realize that they argue about something different. Instead, to fix bleedouts, my suggestion would be to simply allow survivors to give up after spending a minute on the ground. I don't know if it will fix the bleedout issue entirely, but it's a simple solution that 90% players will agree on, survivors AND killers, much more productive.
As a whole though, these "helpless" situations, while they do exist on the killer side too, are incomparably more common on the survivor side, and specifically in soloQ. In particular, I suspect most griefers play on the killer side for simple practical reasons: because griefing on the survivor side would require 3 friends who are like them, and would annoy only 1 person, so it is literally 16x less efficient than doing it on the killer side.
Post edited by Saiph on3 -
How the hell did you type all that and completely miss the point the OP is making. This was about tome challenges and rewards. I guess you copypasta'd it from somewhere else and didn't read what OP wrote?
Event challenges tend to be mostly mixed challenges, which means you can do them on either role. Some exceptions apply, but if previous events are something to go by there will be a surplus of trinkets so you won't miss out on any rewards if you decide to play only one side.
Regular tomes also allow you to complete them as either Killer or Survivor. Nobody is forcing you to do anything, you can still complete them in the role of your choice. If you want to 100% them, then yes, you have to. But there is no special reward for 100%-ing a tome aside from some nice particle effects, so inherently there's nothing forcing you to do anything.
Besides, playing both roles from time to time helps putting things in perspective and understand better why the other side is doing what they're doing. Tome challenges are a great way to add variety to your gameplay.4 -
No, it's fine to have preference over which role you want to play.
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Absolutely fine to have a preference.
But it's also right to incentivise players to play both roles. It's better for the player to learn how both roles work, and better for the game as a whole to have players equitably distributed between the roles.
And if that means those with a completionist attitude feel forced into playing a role they don't like, I think that's just a price you have to accept.
By it's very nature, if you're only playing half the game, you're not going to complete everything that's available. So you shouldn't get upset that the half you've chosen not to play (for whatever reason valid or not) stays uncompleted.
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I guess I misread it, lol.
If you miss the double negation in the first sentence it gives "I'm a survivor main, only reason I play survivor is the rewards and tomes" then the rest of the post seems like he's depressed. Guess I'll leave that here since a forum, but yeah, not my proudest moment
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This game has 2 sides to it. Survivor and Killer, the devs WANT you to experience/play BOTH sides. If you choose not to play one side more than the other or just ignore one side overall that's completely up to you, in my opinion, though if you are going to do that you should have absolutely 0 say and your opinion is completely negated when you try to talk about balance or design of the game in any way.
I understand this isn't the main point of the post but in order to fully understand an argument that either player on either side of the games spectrum to reasonably make any suggestions you NEED to have a fair amount of time played on BOTH sides. Killers who don't seem to understand just how unfun/unfair it feels to be tunneled out at 5 gens while your team is crouching in a corner and survivors who don't realize that 16 perks will always be stronger than 4 unless those 4 are significantly stronger and are at a disadvantage in most scenarios in the match are not people we should listen to.
On the topic of the "forced to play" you don't HAVE to play both sides you CHOOSE to if you WANT the rewards. This goes back to my previous statement the devs WANT you to play both sides but they aren't forcing you to. If you choose not to partake of the full game you can't expect to partake of the full rewards
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Are you a "spoiled brat" for thinking this? Of course not! Is it "sad" to feel you are forced into the role you don't like? No, it's not.
The reason it's varied is to allow people to experience both roles and diversify the game. Playing the Killer role often improves playing Survivor and vice versa, because you get to see the weaknesses and strengths in finer detail. It also allows players to understand what it's like to play both sides, which expands on mechanical understanding, as well as maybe empathise with the other side. Playing one side only doesn't give that.
Likewise, I can empathise with the frustration of feeling your missing out on rewards because of this. Regarding Tomes though, it's clear you should be playing the appropriate Killer to earn entries regarding those Killers. It's rewarding those who want to experiment or go out of their comfort zone. However, to reiterate, you are not a spoilt brat for wanting this, so don't do yourself down. :)
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I think it's weird to buy a game and only play half of it. But if you've tried Killer before and it really wasn't for you, then that's fair enough.
There are certain Killers that I might get a daily for that I absolutely refuse to play as. Mostly because they're Killers that I don't enjoy versing. I won't play Wraith, Doctor, Spirit, Hag or Nurse (playing her makes me feel sick), no matter how many times BHVR give me a daily for these Killers, so I do get where you are coming from.
And the day that BHVR nerf my beloved Lightborn is the day I will become a Survivor main who only plays Killer for tomes. Let's hope that day never comes…
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You can play the entire tome ignoring every single killer-challenges if you don't want to do them, of course that's only if you don't want the story pieces. Outside of the story you don't have to do the killer-challenges because you have way, way too much time for the tome, you can do it easily with normal ep.
The only exception are event cosmetics, you have to do them for the killer-cosmetics and for the currency of the event to buy the other cosmetics sometimes.
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"Spoiled" is a weird choice of word. Do what you want.
However I need to point out by not playing enough killer, you are shooting yourself in the foot.
Even if you have a preference for survivor, you should try to play killer from time to time, especially the ones you find difficult.
It's always a plus to know what your opponent can do and how he thinks.
It'll make you a better survivor.
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I wouldn't call it "right", but necessary.
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You're not spoiled at all. If you don't enjoy something, you don't enjoy it. I personally enjoy both sides, some enjoy one, some neither, and that's perfectly OK. The devs add both side challenges to encourage the playerbase to play both sides, you have no obligation to play or enjoy a particular side. As long as you are getting some enjoyment out of DBD, who's to tell you what you can and can't play?
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I feel the same way about playing survivor. I'll muscle through some challenges but I don't like it. Considering that 80% of players need to play as a survivor for a match to start though, I do think it makes sense to push people into playing as a survivor through tome challenges. I don't think it really makes sense the other way around though. But it would be extremely painful if all tome challenges were survivor only for players like me. But it's not like you need to finish all the challenges to get through a rift thankfully.
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My personal feeling is that it's normal and expected for a game like this to encourage players to play both roles, so I don't feel resentful about it. I agree that it would be a slightly nicer experience if all of the challenges were either/or challenges that can be completed by either killer or survivor, but I get why some of them are unique.