Fixing the Captured Haunt/Basic Attack combo bug was a mistake

When the Halloween event launched, I really loved playing it on both sides. I thought the smoke bombs were fun to play with on survivor. In fact, I hope they return as a regular item or perk in the future, as they enable stealth play from survivors, which is something many survivor players feel has been lacking from the game.
The double-tap with the Captured Haunt was very powerful, but I thought this was offset by the fact killers needed to do a side quest to get the power (huge loss of pressure), and it wasn't that good on many killers who were already some of the best in the game (Nurse, Blight). I thought trying to line up a perfect double tap was a lot of fun and spiced up killer gameplay.
After it got removed, I still thought it was fine. But after playing for a lot of time afterwards, I now feel as though the event is an enormous headache as killer.
The smoke bombs are still very good, but the addition of the rift is an enormous boon to survivors who know how to use it. A lot of survivors seem to think it's worthless, since it tells the killer if you go in and makes you broken and you can't hear their terror radius, but let me tell you it is a very powerful tool for survivors who understand it.
Ducking into the rift mid-chase gives you a separate landscape stuffed full of expendable pallets, some of which are very strong. If the killer follows you in there, they cannot benefit from a lot of strong perks. Surge won't work, hooks in there can't be used for Scourge Hook perks, anything which keys off of the killer's terror radius (ex: Coulrophobia) stops working.
And the killer's benefit for having to deal with all of these new survivor tools, plus reduced viability of many strong killer perks, is having to do a side quest for a ranged attack which is only useful in narrow, unobstructed hallways or against survivors in the open who aren't trying to dodge. I guess you could also use it to camp, but nobody wants that to be more effective, so I can't say that is a selling point for the mode.
If the double tap was still in the game, I would say the tradeoff is worth it, but I really feel that the event has been unfun as killer ever since it got removed. You just have to deal with so many new mechanics without having anything interesting of your own as compensation. There's also the bug with the smoke bombs where survivors permanently lose their scratch marks, which I won't hold against the event from a design point of view, but it is yet another point of frustration when it happens.
I just think this version of haunted by daylight was a huge failure however you look at it, last years was better for both killer and survivor rn IMO.
yes the smokebomb is cool, but I honestly feel I had so much more value from haunts the previous year, and the void it was easier to catch people off guard as the portals were temporary so people felt they needed to go in there and then
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I really did enjoy it this year when it launched.
Killers had this insane lethality double tap that was fun to try to line up and felt rewarding to pull off, it made me actually want to do the side quest.
In exchange, survivors got the smoke bombs (which I've also been getting a lot of use out of) and an alternate realm they could flee to and leave the killer with the choice of leaving the map and giving up pressure to continue the chase or dropping the chase.
But I'm not exaggerating that this event is tilting me on killer harder than anything in the game's history. I lived through MFT, all forms of Dead Hard, nothing has felt as oppressive as losing an enormous amount of pressure to a smoke bomb stealth play, or a survivor ducking into the void and giving me no good options. And in exchange I get a crappy projectile which misses if it touches literally anything except a survivor that I have to go on a side quest to even use.
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Nothing about last year's event was better or even good for killer.
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I've still been able to double tap under certain conditions like someone opening an exit gate or a chest or about to vault or simply runs in the wrong direction lol but i dont think it was indtended for instadowns jist to have a ranged attack on killers that dont normally have one
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You didn't play last year then LOL I got loads of value from it, and lots of bps.
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dunno, i am mostly playing clown during event and i played little bit of unknown. the double-taping felt a lot like Old pinky finger clown for me. i could throw purple bottles, catch-up the survivor than use projectile+m1 to double tap survivor after direct hit bottle hit.
most killers don't get much value from event power so it's mostly playing killer on hard-mode similar to last years event. this year's is a lot more severe for killer because halloween world has pallet resources. survivor can enter portal, loop in halloween world and if they get injured, run to a portal back to original map. it's like every map is Gideon's with two floors where 2nd floor is halloween world. survivor rarely run out of pallet resources and can spam drop pallets while killer have no real benefits.
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I think it had to go. You could use it to completely prevent unhooks and that was no good. Current cooldown is fine imo.