Your top fix fixes for DBD

Regarding bugs, gameplay, whatever you feel are the top 5 more important things to be fixed for a 'better game'.
This is not for "Nurse is OP, nerf'. This is for like "Sadako still bugged. Plz fix" or "….Crouch tech?"
lol, anyway!
1: MMR - Fix it so it functions better than currently is.
2: Match making. This ties in with #1, but I want to stress this fix will likely make the game a lot more tolerable.
3: Hookiciding/miserable playstyles. IE: bleeding out team for no reason, hiding all match despite Distortion nerf (ha!)
4: Things that affect Haste/Gen speed. These two are too powerful imo.
5: stop making new character perks OP, then nerfing a few months later. Its horrible business practice.
Those are mine, but could change if I think of something lol. You?
I only have two really:
- Scrap the BP incentive on killer and survivor side and bring back BBQ and WGLF stacks, as well the BP bonus on perks. Maybe expand the perks that give BP bonus when activated for the first time, so people don't need to run BBQ all the time, but can also choose other perks to get a BP bonus.
- Bring back distortion to its pre-nerf state. It's just ridiculous this perk got gutted and all the aura perks killers have did not. It was the only counter I had to have a specific playstyle (stealth, but also still be a team player. Sounds weird to some people, I know, but not every survivor hide all match. I also don't believe that argument that people used to hide all game with distortion to get hatch or exit gate).
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- Perk restrictions. make it so people have slots for perks like for killer have 1 Aura/info(things like infectious fright) slot, 1 gen slow down slot, 1 chase slot, 1 utility slot and survivors having 1 exhaustion slot, 1 gen speed slot, 1 stealth slot, and 1 utility.
- An actual Comp mode so the sweats can all go to it for bragging rights.
- Better sorting of matches from ping. someone with 300 ping shouldn't be in a game with 4 with 20-30 ping
- Fix line of sight bugs.
- Make people playing toxic ways punishable.
- Take out the giant screen blots for big events (aka hooking and gen complete) it just blocks sightlines for an extremely long time and blocks any aura under them. They only need to be like the loud sound tick from killer that are small last 1 second.
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1: Some basic but simple server side validation to at least limit the strong cheating/hacking (teleport, instant gens,..).
2: Adjustment of game mechanics to increase the quality of play for both sides.
That's it from my side.
1: MMR - Fix it so it functions better than currently is.
2: Match making. This ties in with #1, but I want to stress this fix will likely make the game a lot more tolerable.
This would actually only be sensibly regulated with an extra competitive queue. Other games have the problem that matches quickly feel monotonous and boring due to too strict MMR, and that's the downside.
5: stop making new character perks OP, then nerfing a few months later. Its horrible business practice.
From a business perspective it is actually a very good approach, since the majority of people are not that smart and therefore buy it and continue to support it.
This is why the whole system works so well. Diablo Immortal is a good example of this, which is P2W and based on the same system.
It has a lot of negative game reviews but has broken all sorts of records in terms of sales. 525 million dollars in the first year, more than 1 million a day. That's what I call a successful business practice.0 -
I agree with all this! Its a good practice from a revenue perspective. Its a horrible practice from a consumer perspective.
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#1 id say fixing/updating licenses. Examples like converting the halloween chapter to the movies licence, nightmare on elm street to the original movie series, sigourney weaver to alien chapter, the castlevania characters that were brought in as cosplays turned into full legendaries, silent hill updating cheryl/heathers model and adding the silent hill 1 and 4 protagonists, ghostface updating to a scream or scary movie license with survivors, Ringu being updated with the survivors from the first movie, pinhead having more cenobites, dungeons and dragons adding an actual elf instead of whatever aestri turned out to be, maybe adding baldurs gate 3 as a license, rebecca chambers getting more outfits and more resident evil legendaries in general, leatherface model update, stranger things model updates and legendaries - to name a few lol
#2 would be various quality of life upgrades like prestige rewards, character badges/banners of all existing characters, bloodweb speed improvements, bloodpoint cap raised to about 5 million atleast, cosmetic parts customization like removing rebeccas cowboy hat or all the backpacks noone asked for lol.
#3 would be gameplay fixes to various problems that make the game unenjoyable for most such as generator repair speeds so killers wouldnt feel pressured to tunnel, tunneling/slugging/camping so everyone can get something out of each round and not be pressured to just give up, suiciding on hooks being removed, dc penalties being slightly lessened yet the only way to lose rank ticks, crouch spam delay for survivors as spamming croucb has never been something tacticly usefull only toxic or communicative, a block feature that prevents queing with the same person again, aura reading nerfs to make killers less reliant on them and gradually learn game sense as to where survivors might be, allowing newer players to have a better experience learning the game, matchmaking rating overhaul so that every killer round isnt a swat team and every survivor round isnt a triple tunneler etc. Callout shortcuts for survivors like they had on mobile so survivors can say "killer is camping" "going for unhook" to the group etc
Post edited by Tits on1 -
1. Brightness setting for consoles
2. Better controller settings for consoles (deadzone, etc.)
3. Keyboard and mouse support for consoles
4. Toggle sprint option
5. Ability to skip the sacrifice animation (the one where you're lifted up in the sky)
6. Option to skip the opening cutscene for good
7. Removable accessories (hats, backpacks, and masks)
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distortion is good again with 15s recharge, could use 3 token again tho
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let us use offerings in 2v8 (i want to see 10 anniversary cakes)
pls unfix blight so I can use bug tech again 😊Fix how survivor hitboxes are innaccurate fora running injured survivor (a third of their hitbox is just air at that point)
Fix all the stupid bugs that are basically shadow nerfs. Nurse tiny fov and a million percent fatigue, sadako demanifest timer.
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- Make the game more forgiving for both sides: More room for error (anti gen-rush baseline, Anti Tunnel baseline) less of a sweatfest, basically giving both sides second chance meta Decisive/unbreakable for survivor if tunneled, Deadlock/Corrupt for killer. just some ideas not saying what should be done, but it would help immensely for the casual playerbase
- the rest is what OP said.
- and unironically lmao Nurse needs destroyed, we can't keep nerfing perks because she exists. sorry for ignoring what you said but things like Midwich + her I just can't pay a blind eye to.
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1= select server to always be where I live so i can stop vsing killers with fast food or super market connections. The ablilty to not play with vpn users via an option to switch it off.
2= Fix fast vaults to stop getting underserved hits( i remember the couple months it was tempoary fix and the game actually felt fun again looping)
3= Iimit aura reading and haste stacking= I love how survivors lost endurance stacking and the only strong end game build deserved build for survivor mft and hope is taken away yet here you got killers like clown with yellow bottles pwyf, stbl and rapid moving at 150+ speed and singularity also is annoying with it. Aura stacking yes am tired of being find 24/7 for everything I do so only 1 aura read or add on should be allowed
4= Remove conspicous actions, why should should the killer be granted a free a kill for playing bad so that I cant save ds for end game attempted tunneling?
5=Block killer ability to see items and names in pre lobby, sure we have anno mode ( well not xbox users) to reduce harassment,cheating, stream sniping and to keep the element of perks is to be a gamble. Seeing survivor items and say oh lightborn or franklins is lame.
6=Killer bots so that new people can learn via custom games.
7= Removal of bots in real game= This is just bad for both sides, as killer I do not want to vs 4 bots in a normal match just cause I out play the head on or flashlight squad. As survivor being slugged as third to deny hatch so pathetic and I must rather at point have my teammate get a shot at hatch which I find at that point should not be a penalty if do not want waste 4mins on ground when I could be in another game or we give us a surrender button as many suggests when things go south.
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1Implement a base kit unbreakable for survivors to prevent early game slugging, this new mechanic graduately gets worse for every hooking is performed on you and costs "blood" which is your max slugged timer Its meter is independent from recovery and is automatic, you will just stand up after X time at the cost of "blood" (max slug timer) This is to prevent a max duration of slugging.
2Implement a system that more properly prevents body blocking, meaning if players hit boxes touch for 5 seconds, they lose collision between each other for 5 seconds. Also Survivor players have a tinyier collision hit box but only for other survivors, so they may slip by other survivors easier. This is to fix body blocking and make survivor sandbagging harder.
3Implement a system that makes healthy survivors able to stretch out their hands, if the killer is chasing a wounded survivor and they are in between to some degree. Making their hitbox harder to pass for the Killer, this also disables number 2. system for the Killer only to help survivors prevent tunneling.
4Adjustments to the New Mori System, is automatically start the mori when you down the last survivor, autosacrifice any slugged.
This is to prevent any Killer fiddeling around or BM'ing on the Survivor and just bring the game to a close faster.5Allow survivors to speedbleed out after X seconds if there is only two survivors left. This would put a timer on the max time a Killer has to find the last survivor before the game is converted into a regular hatch game. Saving the slugged survivor a complete bleedout and progressing the game faster.
6Removal of the self-unhook mechanic unless under certain circumstances, those being you have a perk that can get you off hook or the game has reached a dire point. Perhaps this could be combined with the 4th point changes to automatically fire off all unhook chances for hooked survivors when the Killer downs the last survivor, if none is sucessful proceeds to end the game as in point 4. The reason for this change is to prevent hook suiciding as a problem for survivors who give up hope too fast.
I think these ideas would give dbd its most bang for its buck right now.1 -
Make me unstoppable.
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"it i—iiissss ovvverrr" You already are. :)
Post edited by MechWarrior3 on1 -
I mean, this is pretty true lol.
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I am tired of reading about “tunneling” against any sort of competent survivors, if you leave all 4, you lose. That’s it. Survivors are not entitled to win or forcing the killer to chase the best looper on the team.
Tunneling is valid, if they camp the hook, go do gens. Pressure the killer. It’s a fair trade off.
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Shhh, if you're tired, just take a nap. You're literally not being forced to read anything. We all know whats on these forums. Its kinda why we're here.