Camping and Tunnelling are reportable actions now on DBD?
Several years ago, the devs stance on camping was that it was a strategy in the game and could be a valid tactic. I don't know if they ever said something about tunnelling.
Both of those strategies got base kit nerfs/solutions applied to them in the last few years, like camping meter and base kit endurance after unhook, but neither of those are among the reportable actions listed in the report button for Unsportsmanlike conduct in-game currently.
However, as you can see, they do appear as options for report if you submit a ticket on the website. So, is the devs current stance on camping/tunnelling to consider it a Unsportsmanlike conduct and does that mean suspensions and bans could be distributed to players that frequently apply these strategies?
Best Answers
No they are not actionable reports - we do not ban for camping, tunneling or slugging.
They are there, because regardless of whether they are part of the report system or not, players will report them. It enables us to categorise the reports better.
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I'd really like a dev/community manager answer on this, because, until now (now that I see this, at least), slugging, camping and tunnelling weren't reportable actions as much as strategies in-game. Even at this moment they don't appear in-game as reportable Unsportmanslike conduct actions. That category lists mostly disconnects and refusing to participate in regular gameplay as reportable actions, which was what I was filling my ticket for, someone killing themselves at 5 gens.
I hope so. If you are so bad at a game where getting 4k is a foregone conclusion that you have to slug… then happy to ban them.
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Ah, I see…
It was just that really. But are disconects/rage quits and suicides on hook early into the match actionable reports?0 -
That was my impression when I saw it... fast track those reports to the recycle bin.
Shrewd 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Just keep sending them in. When the report box is 90% tunneling and slugging something will have to be done.
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It's not bannable, as has already been said. However, if the option is simply removed it would take away the option.
Having a category for people to report this however is probably them being lazy. They said it's for categorizing, but that makes zero sense unless they laugh at your expense. I don't like it being there.
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No offence but lol.
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What is the point of the comment other than to inject more "us vs them" toxicity into the forum?
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What is the point of the comment other than to inject more "us vs them" toxicity into the forum?
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Basically it's an easy way for the devs to flag and immediately launch your report into space because you are wasting their time by reporting something that is not reportable.
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I have a feeling they have those there so all those who report for that can go to one inbox and get an automated response.
its a nice way to flag your own mail as invalid report.3 -
So they still waste their time with it regardless, cause nobody will report it that way.