Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Event spoiler



  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917
    Have they said anything about a start date?
    I hope today later the stream
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,026

    @xChrisx said:
    Scgamecock86 said:

    Have they said anything about a start date?

    I hope today later the stream

    It is gonna be a good event hopefully

  • Bravescorpio
    Bravescorpio Member Posts: 152

    It starts January 30th.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    I can understand why they are doing this, it is to get killers to leave the hook hence hook, vessel, hook, vessel.

    The problem is the time it will take as others have pointed out so I don't know how it will work out but in paper it looks to be more annoying rather than fun.

    The problem with these events is they take away from normal play, why not simply reward what everyone does and give bonus event points for every extra you do like new survivor hooked for the first time, breaking totems etc.
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,551

    @twistedmonkey said:
    The problem is the time it will take as others have pointed out so I don't know how it will work out but in paper it looks to be more annoying rather than fun.

    The problem with these events is they take away from normal play, why not simply reward what everyone does and give bonus event points for every extra you do like new survivor hooked for the first time, breaking totems etc.

    That was the case for the Halloween-Event. While Survivors needed to do another Objective, Killers could just proceed with whatever they would have done anyway.

    Personally, I would like to see that Killers see the Auras of Vessels a few seconds after they hooked someone. They would still need to spend time to go to the Vessel and destroy it, but they would not need to waste time searching it.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    I can understand why they are doing this, it is to get killers to leave the hook hence hook, vessel, hook, vessel.

    The problem is the time it will take as others have pointed out so I don't know how it will work out but in paper it looks to be more annoying rather than fun.

    The problem with these events is they take away from normal play, why not simply reward what everyone does and give bonus event points for every extra you do like new survivor hooked for the first time, breaking totems etc.
    The idea is to freshen the gameplay... and I feel the devs are trying to test for additional objectives-----> something that's been requested for some time.... now especially with the buff to PTS
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,814
    Tsulan said:
    Neska said:

    @fcc2014 said: Event matches are usually much shorter than average matches in my experience playing both sides.

    I felt like during the Hallowed Blight, the matches were longer, because most survivors didn't worked on gens but were looking for flowers. Maybe I'm wrong, I didn't played killer that event because of the waiting times, but the matches felt longer and I think I didn't even escaped as much since gens were worked on so late..

    But I agree that the killer doesn't have time to destroy vessels, especially if the survivors try to do the gens as fast as possible to escape with a vessel themselfes..

    But those vessels were easier for survivors. No need to do gens. Make the offer, collect the nectar with others in seconds and get a ton of points. Even if you don't collect them yourself. 
    If survivors aren't doing gens then killers are much more likely to get more hooks. So they were easier matches all around. Probably about 75% of my solo matches ended in all or almost all survivors dead during the event.
  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    @Scgamecock86 said:
    Have they said anything about a start date?

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    Bravo0413 said:
    The idea is to freshen the gameplay... and I feel the devs are trying to test for additional objectives-----> something that's been requested for some time.... now especially with the buff to PTS
    I know this and while the Halloween event gave survivors only another objective and it was fun it made players not care about surviving until they got the vial full, this changed the game and ruined it for other players who just wanted to play so it can never give them the true stats needed for an extra objective test.

    It's why I personally think rewarding doing all the objectives we currently have in game is a starting point for an event, they need to add real extra objectives onto a ptb so it can be tested with normal play.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Tsulan said:
    Neska said:

    @fcc2014 said: Event matches are usually much shorter than average matches in my experience playing both sides.

    I felt like during the Hallowed Blight, the matches were longer, because most survivors didn't worked on gens but were looking for flowers. Maybe I'm wrong, I didn't played killer that event because of the waiting times, but the matches felt longer and I think I didn't even escaped as much since gens were worked on so late..

    But I agree that the killer doesn't have time to destroy vessels, especially if the survivors try to do the gens as fast as possible to escape with a vessel themselfes..

    But those vessels were easier for survivors. No need to do gens. Make the offer, collect the nectar with others in seconds and get a ton of points. Even if you don't collect them yourself. 
    If survivors aren't doing gens then killers are much more likely to get more hooks. So they were easier matches all around. Probably about 75% of my solo matches ended in all or almost all survivors dead during the event.
    Event hooks =/= hooks

    Most survivors didn't had an interest in completing gens. They did their vials and tried to die asap. 
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 890
    Kinda sucks that the killers are so stiffed in points though if Prove Theyself/leader are going to be meta for the event so will blood warden and  remember me for "bonus time"
  • Marakoth
    Marakoth Member Posts: 1

    @Judgement said:
    Spanish people won’t know what Leader does though.
    Can we get an F for all the Spanish who can’t read what Leader does?

    We know what Leader does. We, spanish people can also understand what english people write and say. Can you do the same with Spanish? I doubt so.