To know the opponent's name from the lobby

n000b51 Member Posts: 768
edited November 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions


With the recent lag peaks during the event, the several desync during trials, rollbacks & constant stutters in game, it is very common that killers can have lags all the game long (I mean: a comon lagging ping is over 75ms, and it can reach 400ms until he disconnects because unplayable).

To avoid to face on a opponent with a bad internet connection for the next game, can we know the name of the opponent directly from the lobby ? In this way, if we already have experienced some bad laggy games against a specific player from another continent for example (or if he is playing on a dedicated server far away from his country), we can switch to another lobby without to ruin the game for others.
Because bad connection usually ruins the game for everyone… especially when this Technical issue is fully depending of the dedicated servers effectiveness.

Add to that: killer knows & can see if someone is lagging in his lobby (red bar at the right side of the nickname), as killer he can verify it directly in game (simply pressing 'esc' key at the start or any time by checking in the 'details' tab of the game). So he can be warned directly from the lobby that some issues will occur in game.
As survivors, they can't know what the killer ping is from the lobby.
Can we add this feature in the lobby as well ? Playing against someone with a ping over 100ms mainly gives some advantages when the game on time to the frame.

Thank you.


  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    This or literally hide everyone from each other at this point, this event I've been slugged out by the same p100 blight so many times while he farms pumpkins and no block or avoid can do anything about it, nor do they ban for it.

    Let me have some control for gawd sake to alleviate the toxicity.

  • n000b51
    n000b51 Member Posts: 768
    edited November 2024

    We can hope some improvements about that but honestly I know BVHR doesn't want to care about that in any way…
    You just have the 'block' function that it isn't optimal at all (it literally doesn't nothing against anonymous mode & about all players on different platform as you - planet players).

    And BVHR justifies that by refusing to face everyone regardless their ping, gameplay or whatever else is called an 'unsportmanlike behaviour'.
    Problem solved from their side.

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