Daily Rituals

So I've been thinking about it for a while now and I think daily rituals are due for an update. I've had the same 3 daily rituals for the past year, and haven't even bothered to complete or reroll them, due to them being unrewarding, forgettable, and forcing me to play a role I don't want to (Survivor main). If there have been changes made to them already, I'm not aware. Either way, what are some changes you would make to improve the daily rituals?

Some changes I would make would be:

  • Separate daily rituals for both roles at all times (3 for surv, 3 for killer) with one reroll for each side.
  • Adjust rewards (rift fragments for current tome, player XP, or Iri shards along with the blood points).
  • Add more variety for the objectives.
  • Increase objective quantity (example: 5 health states instead of 3, or 3 moris instead of 1)

For Survivor, remove all rituals that require playing as a specific character since there is no gameplay difference. Keep rituals that focus on doing typical survivor actions (healing health states, unhooks, cooperative actions, generator repair, exit gates, escape, chase time, hook sabotage) Add additional survivor actions to those rituals (cleanse totems, great skill checks, killer stuns/blinds, vaulting in chase, escaping chase, hiding close to killer, protection hits, avoiding m1s, etc.)

For Killer, keep all current rituals. Add in more rituals that focus on typical killer objectives (injuring survivors, downing, hooking, sacrificing, damaging gens, breaking pallets/walls, etc.)

For both roles, I'd personally love to have glyph challenges also appear in the daily rituals and not be locked behind tomes. I love yellow and pink glyphs so much!

That's really all I can think of for improving daily rituals. I would love some feedback on my ideas and to hear what you all might do instead to improve daily rituals.