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More than 2M BP through normal gameplay

Janey Member Posts: 3

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE : I am able to earn more than 2 million BP through normal gameplay without completing Tome and/or daily challenges.

(There was a +25% survivor bonus that I didn't manage to catch alongside evidence there is no rift activity.)


STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED : I did redeem the weekly gift before playing and only noticed after I thought I saw the numbers change. On further inspection, I was apparently right. Maybe something to do with the gift?

1 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 151

    Any special way to get bloodpoints lets it go over the cap. So if you took the gift from the store it will add over the 2mil limit. Same if you get daily login rewards like during events.

  • Janey
    Janey Member Posts: 3

    I am earning it from normal gameplay, not from any special gift. That's what I'm saying. I'm slowly creeping back up to 2.5 million by playing the game. That is the issue.

  • Janey
    Janey Member Posts: 3

    I may have confused things by stating that I had redeemed the weekly gift. The only assumption I have is that it's bugged out after exceeding 2 million by a few thousand. I've been playing for a few hours and even after spending, I'm managing to get up to 2.5 again.

  • sirlemonhead
    sirlemonhead Member Posts: 89

    As far as I know (and I could be wrong), there's two BP 'pools', a 2 million capped one for game earned BP, and another for BP earned through gifts, rank reset etc, and the game just shows the two combined onscreen as a single number.

    It probably depletes from the game earned pool before it starts depleting from the other one, I'd guess.