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Request to some of the SWF out there



  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:

    Well ever heard about this thing called SWF and voice comms? Yeah its a thing nowadays :sarcastic:

    It doesn't change the fact killers still win more or did you just conveniently forget the survival stats blow your argument to smithereens again.

    Aha, not higher than green? So green toolbox every game is indeed possible, glad that you admit on that now :smile:

    Ah yes the typical troll argument, because it's possible means it happens and not everyone brings an item nor is it always a tb. But like all your logical fallacies it falls flat on it's face.

    Nobody claimed that survivors can bring BNP or insta heals every game becuse thats impossible too. Its only the fact that they can keep their green stuff upon escaping that makes it a strategy they can use in every game

    So because they can keep their green stuff on escaping it's an issue, what about their brown stuff and what about oh wait they have to actually survive and get out with the item.

    You know not have someone else take it if they get Franklin'd, not lose it because they got camped and or tunnelled the entire game. Since if any of that happens it means they don't get to keep that item, oh and lets not forget all you whiny killers rage quitting too.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522
    artist said:
    To be fair, if all four survivors use a brand new part, nothing has changed. Each provides 25% progress even before the update for a total of 100%.

    I'm curious to know how it's all calculated too, if anyone has one without BNPs.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited January 2019

    @Peanits said:
    artist said:

    To be fair, if all four survivors use a brand new part, nothing has changed. Each provides 25% progress even before the update for a total of 100%.

    I'm curious to know how it's all calculated too, if anyone has one without BNPs.

    here without BNP, it takes 13.6 secs

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    You guys are acting like this is gonna be worst thing in this game even though nothing close to this setup will happen.