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Lost item and addons on successful escape with White Ward holding the item

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I had escaped a match holding an iridescent skeleton key item with blood amber and prayer rope addons. I also had a white ward offering burned to prevent the loss of my item and addons. Curiouisly, when I finished the match and went back to the menu, I had lost the item and both addons, even though I was holding the item upon escaping, meaning at the very least I should have escaped with my item, and yet I lost it.
Also strangely, the outro screen never revealed the killer's perks to me, although that might have been unrelated.
- Equipped skeleton key item with blood amber and prayer rope addons.
- Equipped white ward offering.
- Escape match as normal holding item.
- Return to the main menu after waiting for the lobby to disconnect post-game. I had left the lobby open for a while and left after it disconnects when no activity occurs in the post-game lobby for a time.
- Check your items and realize you are missing both.
VIDEO: Not a video but have a screenshot of the end screen showing I escaped and two screenshots of my inventory after the match, missing a blood amber and a prayer rope. The first screenshot was taken using NightLight, but I was otherwise not utilizing NightLight to modify png files of icons or any other type of cosmetic modification the program uses.