Please keep 2v8 permanently!

What I’m saying is that 2v8 is very popular of a game mode in the community and most people really want to let it stay forever.
I have made the idea that you should put 2v8 on a timed schedule like when it will begin. Let’s just say in the morning 6am to 10am, and the rest of time to 3pm to 9pm!
Behavior, you can even update this game mode anytime you want while it’s active in your game and add new rewards and tomes for it when ever your updating the game such as for The Houndmaster or other DLC’s
Just please the community will appreciate this game mode to the loving end!
Sincerely, funsumme!
Oh, please do not do this. 2v8 amplifies most of my least favorite things about DBD and gets rid of the things I enjoy.
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I would personally also like 2v8 to be permanent, but i think the reason why they don't do this, is because it does not only keep the massive queue times, but it also affects the queue times of classic DBD.
Instead I think there should be less time between the modifiers that we already have, so that we can get back to 2v8 and other fun modes faster, instead of waiting for months.1 -
It’s a dumbed version of the game they created. It’s survivor sided, takes away every perk choice killers have, lowers the skill ceiling from every player playing it, limits the amount of killers it can have. It’s an arcade mode that ensures survivors have more chances to win than any mode ever created ever.
Hopefully this nonsense will stop soon enough. I don’t know what they were thinking when you can rebuild pallets unlimited times, make survivors heal in 2 seconds, unlimited unbreakable, idk, probably they wanted to give a mode for survivors where the killer is just a chasing npc, crippled to actually have a decent shot.
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I do it for the BP but overall I kind of hate this mode tbh.
I would like to keep the option to select random perks (like in Chaos Shuffle) in normal matches rather than having to use a 3rd party side to ranomise them for me. But I definitely do not want to see 2v8 any more often than it already is featured
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Btw, they should add a 100-300% bonus bp to killers as well, also, rank progress. Maybe more will queue that way.
Still, it’s a terrible mode to be permanently added
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The reason killer queue times are long, is because their are TOO many killers
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Absolutely not. I want to play the 1v4 version without queues being utterly destroyed, plus it's boring because it's just stripped down soulless DBD at the end of the day. I hope this never ever becomes a permanent mode and stays a limited mode. It genuinely would kill the game.
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While i do think this iteration is more enjoyable to play than the last one, i think it's better that alternative game modes and modifiers in general became more of a rotational thing rather than staying permanent.
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I'd love for them to make 2v8 permanent and rotate the killer selection every month. Always have the original 3 (Trapper, Wraith, Billy) and rotate the other 5 to keep it fresh. One of the issues they've mentioned for some killers was on the HUD having 2 killer status effects like Doctor shock and Wesker infection. If they did the rotation they could have just the Doctor as a killer with a status effect that shows on the HUD one month and then Wesker the next month.
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I'm finally escaping as survivor now. Something that I can never do in 1v4. And its actually fun to play survivor now. Not just the regular wait to get 4k'd by the killer. I can't wait to never play survivor again tho until this mode is back. I just can't stand losing all my games. Whenever I play 1v4 I ALWAYS LOSE. but now when I play 2v8 I finally have a chance to escape.