Some feedback for 2v8 mode for the next version.

Just a little bit of feedback for the hook animation on 2v8.
The first version of the game the animation to hook a survivor was 1.89 - 2 seconds (couldn't get it exactly)
The current version of the game the animation to hook a survivor is 5 seconds.
This is a 3 second increase. Spread that over the course of the game then killers spend a total of 2 minutes in hook animation where as previously it was a total of 48 seconds.
This may not seem like a lot but when you have a swarm of survivors (which usually happens in 2v8) then being stuck in animation that long gives so much distance compared to the first version.
I understand that 1v4 mode its longer due to the travel to hook and hooking but this is supposed to be quicker gamemode.
I uploaded a video comparing the difference and it really puts it into perspective.
All i ask is that this is reviewed in the next version of 2v8. not sure how right now but think it definitely needs looking at