Pinhead chain hitboxes
Like cmon, this should be a hit but the chain's hitbox is like an atom, sometimes I wonder if I'm actually tripping or of the hitboxes change at times. But this small is just ridiculous :/
i hit the chain like 80% of the time but everyone instant breaks chain at my level of killer. when will pinhead get changes? they can't come soon enough.
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So just don't aim the butt' but the feet instead.
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I mean tbf, the chain is clearly missing her
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but what if its a Jane?
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you mean butt what if its a Jane?
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I can't tell. How can we call that ?
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I don't really think the chain needs to be easier to hit, I just think it needs to be more rewarding when you do. "Unrewarding" is what I think of when I think about Pinhead. High skill, no pay off.
I just think he shouldn't break his own chains and that the chain breaking difficulty should scale based on the length the chain traveled to reward skilled, long range hits.
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I mean do we really want the chain to have a hitbox the size of a semi like huntress hatchets.
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then you have a bigger target. Butttttt some people will still aim at the feet.
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I love a killer whos power is based on skill to it but the outcome is based on rng chains that spawn