Survivor - Kaden Edson

Backstory: When Kaden finally became a freshman, he started seeing.. well.. stuff. He thought he was just crazy. In school, he was a more on the alternative side, he considered himself "Grunge", Everyone called him a freak, but who cares, he was used to it anyways. His freshman year passed quite quickly, and about time he became a junior, the visions got worse. He could start to see spider-like libs come from cracks and creaks, and then disappear. But when he had a vision this time, It physically manifested. The spider-like limbs actually touching him. He could feel it. Then, a fog would appear. He would wake up, in a place familiar to him.. His childhood park. Though, everything seem corrupted. Instead of laughs, he heard screams. Walking alone, a girl walked up to him. She looked like him a bit. She looked 'alternative' too. She quickly introduced herself as Sable, and took his arm, running to the basement with her. Overtime, they'd stay in the basement. Somewhere where danger brewed, but never actually came. Until one day they were under there, Something found her.. and she was never to be seen again. So, Kaden stayed in the basement for god who knows long. After stepping from the basement, He encountered something. A vault it looked like. After opening it and going through it, he woke up in his bed again. He was traumatized from that day one, until the same thing happened again.. Though this time, he couldn't escape.
Kaden is a young fighter who has already survived the entity's realm, escaped it successfully, and returned back again. His perks, Concealed In Darkness, Crucial Point, and Tamed Evil, allows him to stay hidden when near the basement, allow others to unhook him safely in the basement, and allows him to survive longer in the basement without being sacrificed.
Concealed In Darkness — "You tend to be undetectable in situations where danger is present."
When within 12/16/35 meters of the basement or inside the basement, Your aura cannot be read, and your grunts of pain, and scratch marks are completely hidden. Then once you leave the basement, or the range of which this ability activates, this perk goes on cooldown for 75 seconds.
Crucial Point — "You have expertise in knowing how to weaken The Entity."
When you are hooked in the basement, other survivors that enter the basement have endurance for 5 seconds. If they unhook you while that endurance is active, The other survivor's endurance lingers for an extra 2 seconds.
This ability can only be used if you have 1 hook state.
Tamed Evil — "You have an unnatural connection with The Entity."
While hooked in the basement, The sacrifice process is slowed by 10/15/20%
(My first LGBTQ survivor! (he's gay) He was HEAVILY inspired by Sable Ward as well. Pls lmk what you guys think! More concepts coming soon!)
( Kaden Edson )