2v8 is terrible

2v8 is the worst game mode dbd has ever had in so many ways. I genuinely hope they never bring it back or do a complete overhaul if they do.
The cages. The cages are horrbile. First of all, the cages don't teleport away anymore when both a killer and survivor is nearby. This means that if someone gets chased nearby you are stuck there and people dont want to come for the rescue, since they hear the Killer nearby.
In addition to that, people hate going for the unhook.I had it happen multiple times that I was in a cage for multiple stages. Everyone seems to think "I am not medic, I don't need to go for the unhook." When I played medic I sometimes run accross the entire map to get the unhook and often I am the only one.
Playing Killer. I did everything on survivor, and saw that unless they had a Nurse, Killers were consistently being absolutely crushed. In all my games without one, more than half the Survivors escaped. So I did the entire tome level as Survivor.
I tried going for one match as Trapper and it was horrendous. The queue took roughly as long as the match. You start with all traps disarmed and there are way too many gens to try to build a web. You just have to put them where you hope survivors will pass often. Also, Survivors easily get aura reading on killer in this mode. And if even just one Survivor sees you place down a trap, you better believe its getting disarmed. And you can't even stick around because then Survivors will genrush on the other side of the map. Some people said to "just have fun, its a silly mode", but getting your traps consistenly disarmed and basically just being a M1 killer is not fun. If they ever bring it back they need to give trapper Iridescent Stone basekit.
Survivors are OP. Unless you have a strong Nurse/Blight/Spirit or Survivors don't know what they are doing, Survivors can easily win. There are so many powerful loops all across the map. If a survivors even remotely knows what they are doing, they will be able to loop you for one gen easily.
Oh you think you land a hit? Well think again, there are 3 god pallets into each other and after the Survivor predropped and you broke all of them another Survivor comes in to take the hit.
Then there are the catch up mechanics that are Survivor sided as well. The ultimate of guide is absolutely overpowered. The gen speed bonus for cages outweights the genspeed debuff for completed gens. Especially considering that there is functionally no difference between all Survivors escaping at 0 hooks or all Survivors escaping with 2 hooks each. At least for the scoring. In 2v8, the second would have meant a much easier game for Survivor. Hell, guides want to get hooked sometimes just to unlock their ultimate.
The medic power can also finish healing Survivors, or if you have two Medics completely heal Survivor, in literally no time without even touching them.
Two medics is literally 1.0.0 styptic, meanwhile guides can team up with Survivors to do gens faster than 1.5.3 Brand New Part.
Normal Queue. In addition to the normal Queue being very long, I tried doing some daily challenges and it genuinely feels like the queue is so terrible. As Killer I literally only faced sweaty SWFs. Seing 3 or 4 people run DS + Syringe was the norm. And if its not that its Flashlight + BG Player. I got like 1 game without a 3 or 4 man SWF. Even on Killers I barely touched before, I only faced that sort of thing.
So finally, I hope 2v8 never comes back. I will do the next tome level and afterwards put DBD down until the event is over.
Fun > competetive.
I don't mind losing in 2v8 as killer. I also don't mind waiting a ton of time. Talked to a friend the last few days that plays ff14 and they told the that queue times can be a LOT worse.
I can also start drawing in my sketch book while waiting.
2v8 is a lot more fun to me than 1v4. Sure, it's a lot less balanced and yes, survivor is very strong to some degree. Do I care though?
Not one bit.
I can play killer with a friend.
Ive been playing dbd for a long time and around 75-80% of my play time is on killer. Playing coop is some of the best time I ever had playing this game.
Now they just need to add pig and life is good. 🐽
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From how the blight skin from resident evil is banned, I think its unlikely we'll see killers from other franchises in 2v8 any time soon.
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One can hope right?
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I could not agree more and i don´t understand all the bullshit about "It is just a chaotic game mode, nobody cares about balance. Its just for having fun". Well it is only fun for one side. Killer get absolutely destroyed in this mode with no counterplay and this whole mode is just complete #########. Hope it never returns.
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I personally use it as a warm up before playing normal mode as killer, I knocked out quite a few challenges tho, and the BP bonus is very nice. Its going to end soon enough.
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your whole post basically yelled at surviviors for not doing their objective then calling a previously described killer sided mode extremely survivor sided…
also yes, if you use the weakest killer in a already survivior sided gamemode its likely the trapper wont consistently get kills, there are 6 other killers with 3 new ones being added for each iteration, you seem to forgot 2v8 isnt completed yet.
personally, 2v8 is the most FUN gamemode out there, it caters to surviviors yes but in return it allows for more innovation for both sides and lessens the queue times, i just wish there were a bit less pallets seeing as guide can recreate pallets but other than that every match always gets a good laugh out of me, regardless what role i play
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I generally agree, the mode is Survivor-sided if they even remotely try, but Killer-sided if you play the strongest ones.
I'm not sure what BHVR thought they were doing here but they did it wrong, they should have gone with weaker Killer choices and LESS powerful Survivor tools this time around.First iteration was way more fun.
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Survivors can play badly and it still win. Killers have access to unfun and powerful tactics, that are unfun for the victim, but even when used Survivors will generally win. Killer feels oppressive, but actually Survivor is oppressive.
Even the weakest killer should stand a chance. If they cant do that, they need to rebalance the mode even harder.
It only lessens the queue times for Survivors playing 2v8. Killer and regular mode still have horrendous queue times.