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Revealed Status-Effect from 2v8 for core?



  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Aura reading the opponent on both sides is unhealthy, but to answer the question- I’m against it being implemented into the core game. Survivors should have to equip a perk (buffed Distortion) to know if their aura is being read. The best part of aura reading perks on killer is to get the drop on survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    It's one of those things that if they introduced it from the moment aura read perks came in I don't think it would be a problem, but now it would be a massive game change. Good survivors will, quickly, figure out the killer's aura read perks, but even getting one or two surprise hits from an aura read is pretty substantial value.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I'm kind of confused by survivors hating killer's aura reading abilities as much as they do. Survivors often say that the most enjoyable part of DBD is the chase. Looping, mindgames, cat and mouse, that sort of thing. Auras reading abilities help killers find survivors and that leads to the chase. Is that not what survivors want?

    Oh, definitely not.

    The best part of DBD is, by far, hide and seek. Hiding from the monster trying to find you is what makes DBD fun, as a survivor.

    Aura reading was perfectly fine in the past because it didn't have as many triggers as it currently has. All you had to worry about was BBQ, A Nurse's Calling, Bitter Murmur, a few add-ons here and there and Freddy who had it basekit. That was it, and it was perfect.

    Now we have WAY too much of it. Basically everything you do reveals your aura, even just starting the match if the killer has Lethal Pursuer. Having the Revealed status effect available would help mitigate that, because at least it tells you your current attempt of hiding isn't working, so you need to either try something else or, sadly, change your playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 479

    Unless the same effect is extended to killers as well it'd be pretty unfair, although when I think about it even if killers could get the notification that a survivor can see their aura it doesn't tell them who can see them. I don't think it's a really good idea because dbd is a game of information and handing out a bunch of free information to survivors only further railroads players into doing gen regression builds.

  • Member Posts: 130

    Survivor does not need this, not to mention it would completely kill scratched mirror myers.

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