Snug Life? More Like Bug Life

In Dead by Daylight, every year seems to end the same way: with a product that feels rushed and half-baked. I’m not sure if the holiday season genuinely shuts down all work in North America, but it sure feels like BHVR clocks out early. Releasing paid content that isn’t properly debugged and then asking players to wait months for fixes is just... not it. Especially when the fixes involve painstakingly addressing map collisions for each killer individually. It’s like designing entirely new roads for every car model—and selling the cars before the roads are even finished.
We saw all these issues on the PTB. Players gave countless hours of free playtesting to ensure the content would be at least functional, if not polished. And yet here we are. Snug, the new survivor pet, gets stuck on more things than a final girl in a slasher movie.
If two survivors team up, your power becomes irrelevant because they can repel instantly. The dog struggles to navigate back to you, leading to unnecessary cooldowns. And the worst part? The dog’s supposed to hit survivors through pallets, but half the time its jump animation bugs out. (I’m willing to bet the hitbox just teleports from one side of the pallet to the other, with a janky animation as the cherry on top.)
The real kicker is that BHVR clearly knew this was going to be a mess. You’ve had all the pieces to fix it from the start! For instance, when the dog bugs out, it sometimes reappears right next to you. Why not make that its default behavior? Sure, it doesn’t solve the collision issues, but at least it’d be playable. Instead, we’re stuck with a projectile hitbox the size of a dog—awkwardly running around uneven terrain in a game like DBD.
Even the trailer and tally screen give off the vibe that this chapter didn’t get the care it deserved. It’s hard to shake the feeling that non-licensed characters aren’t a priority anymore. Whether it’s the art, marketing, or gameplay design, this chapter screams “minimal effort.” I get it—licensed characters bring in more hype and resources—but if you’re going to sell original content to people, it still needs to meet basic quality standards.
Don’t get me wrong, I love what you do overall, and I appreciate that this content is purchasable with shards. But at the end of the day, you’re selling this to players. Releasing something this unfinished feels borderline negligent. We’ve seen this pattern before with Legion, Twins, Knight, Skull Merchant—you name it. None of them were outright unplayable, but they all launched with bugs, exploits, or flawed mechanics.
I understand the pressure to close the fiscal year with a bang, but these rushed, homemade chapters probably don’t bring in much revenue anyway. Why not delay the release until January and give us something that’s actually working, if not polished? Players would rather wait a little longer for quality than deal with the frustration of a broken product.