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Dead by Daylight Trivia! (#2)

Member Posts: 7,053
edited February 17 in General Discussions

Yessir we back for another trivia! Hoping to make this a bi-weekly thing to make sure that the questions aren't a pushover. (but also so I do my research and make sure I got the correct answers lol) Just like last time there'll be 8 questions, ramping up in difficulty with each one.

There'll be a spoiler at the end of each question which will be the answer to the question. Hopefully there'll be a few surprises in there ;)

DISCLAIMER: Nothing about PTB's are going to count, unless clearly specified in the question.

Now with all that out of the way… lets get to the questions!

Question 1 | Who's known as the "determined survivor"?

  • a) Detective Tapp
  • b) Laurie Strode
  • c) Yui Kimura
  • d) Haddie Kaur

B) Laurie! While the others may have been determined to reach their goals, Laurie has always been the one to hold the title.

Question 2 | Which killer directly references another in one of their add-ons?

  • a) Wesker
  • b) Blight
  • c) Spirit
  • d) Dredge

Once again, B! Blight has an add on called "Plague Bile", this is the only instance of a killer referencing another in their add-ons!

Question 3 | How many realms only have 1 variant?

  • a) 7
  • b) 8
  • c) 9
  • d) 10

A! The following realms are: Lampkin Lane, Lery's Memorial Institute, Gideon Meat Plant, Hawkins National Laboratory, Grave of Glenvale, Silent Hill, Forsaken Boneyard.

Question 4 | True or False: Wraith used to see brighter pools of blood while cloaked

True! It was introduced with the Wraith cube (essentially a mini rework) back in late 2017. This was then taken away of his kit and instead made into an add-on "The Hound - Soot"

Question 5 | Alongside which killer was the "Undetectable" status effect introduced?

  • a) Ghost Face
  • b) Spirit
  • c) Demogorgon
  • d) Pig

C! He only had a measly 2 seconds of Undetectable after emerging from a portal, and if my memory serves me right he was the only one to have Undetectable for a bit, before stealth killers and a few terror radius suppressing perks adopted it a few patches later. (Fun fact! : Yes, this does mean the aura of Wraith, Pig, and even Ghost Face could be seen even when in stealth. Myers however, had immunity to all detection perks. Including Premonition and Spine Chill!)

Question 6 | What was the first tome called?

  • a) Awakening
  • b) Unleashed
  • c) Existence
  • d) Reckoning

A! Awakening! Another fun fact: the release of this tome was also the introduction of the rift, and it was the one and only time the rift had a special currency: Putrid Serum. This currency could be used to then buy any of the outfits from the Hallowed Blight and Hallowed Catalyst collections! (It gave you enough for 2 entire outfits!)

Question 7 | Out of all the killer abilities listed bellow, which one doesn't give off a map wide audio cue?

  • a) Victor Pounce
  • b) Doctor's Static Blast
  • c) Freddy Teleport
  • d) Hillbilly's Chainsaw

D! Hillbilly's Chainsaw! As loud as it is, it still has a limit. He used to have add-ons that decreased the volume (range) of the Chainsaw too, as you can imagine they weren't so good.

Question 8 | True or False: Somebody else finishing an Invocation while the perk holder is in the dying state will instantly put them into the injured state.

True! A survivor can be instantly picked up from somebody else finishing their Invocation. Its not very likely to happen in an actual game but hey, Im sure it'll come in handy some how!

Well, that'll do it! How'd you do? Let me know and if you spot something wrong, please make sure to let me know. Hope you had a bit of fun with this, and have yourselves a great day! :)

Post edited by Mandy on

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