Myers rework

Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 704
edited November 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

So far I'm not liking the rework, the stalk build up when survivors are close is so slow it's unreal and survivors know this so they get closer and hide behind a loop. Before if survivors tried looping Myers he could stalk them but now it's so slow it's a case of run around a loop by which time 2 gens pop, stalk them at the loop by which time about 2 gens pop or abandon them at the loop and find another which they run to a loop.

Also, before it was open maps that were a nightmare for Myers and indoor maps went in his favour but the stalk being slow when close means he's useless indoors because he can't get the distance needed to build stalk so he's useless indoor and outdoor. I thought maybe Myers would be better in outdoor open map because he could get distance to stalk efficiently but the problem with having distance to stalk is that the further away the survivor is the more obstacles they have between themselves and Myers. This makes stalking incredibly difficult against players that can simply hear the breathing when Myers is stalking.

The other changes to Myers are fine but the stalk distance switch has pretty much killed him... Shame because I'm a p100 Myers main but looks like PH is going to be my main from now on.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    I disagree. I've had multiple games now where I use Lethal on him and I have my tier 3 99d within seconds of the match starting because I stalked the survivors from a mile away without them even knowing. I'm having an absolute blast with this rework. I seriously think people have no clue how to use him at this point because this IS NOT A NERF!

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    How is he "useless" on both outdoor and indoor maps lmao. Little exaggeration on your part no??? Lol

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,129

    I would imagine this actually opens up more viable maps for Myers instead of 99% of them feeling like they need to bring Lerys to stand a chance

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,959

    It's now the exact opposite.

    Open maps with not a lot of clutter and vantage points are best atm.

    Example: The Pale Rose

  • JumpscareMyers
    JumpscareMyers Member Posts: 80

    I still get an easy tombstone at 5 Gens so i fail to see how this is a nerf, it's probably just your playstyle.

    You can't gain your stalk as aggressively as before. You need to actually move around the map concealing yourself so that the survivors don't know which direction you're coming from, albeit i have only exclusively been using the last mask offering just so that i have more concealment so i haven't tested the other maps yet, but from my experience you need to keep your distance as much as possible.

    I know that won't always be the case, but if you can just try and distance yourself from survivors, i've been using lethal pursuer to see where survs are going at the beginning so i can plan on which direction i need to go in order to stalk them unseen, until they hear the audio que.

    Then i also use Ruin, Surveillance and Tinkerer so i know where i can catch them in a stationary position, and if tinkerer goes off and i have 99% stalk i can go in for the kill, assume i can scare them off the generator or just wait for them to finish it.

    But that's just for the tombstone playstyle, which i usually only ever exclusively play and always have, i just find Michaels other addons in the grand scheme of map control + pressure moderately underwhelming.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 704

    I'm refering to double iri play style. It takes way too long to build up stalk due to survivors deliberately getting up close hiding behind a loop knowing stalk is useless at that distance and also knowing Myers has no anti loop. Stalking unseen is great going against solo but in swf teams it's really not possible to stalk unseen from a distance especially on certain maps like Hawkins. It is definitely a nerf due to survivors ability to counter it. At least before if a survivor tried looping Myers then it meant he could build stalk. It's just a matter of time before more and more survivors learn to counter it like they have in my matches as I'm always going against swf. I have tried survivor and been up against Myers a few times. It was 3 escape each time, it never used to be the case before. It used to be "oh **** it's Myers".... Now it's "easy loop Myers"

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    The Eiry always was a low-key strong map with Myers being able to stalk from the upper balcony, but with his new kit, this should be really good.

  • JustRight
    JustRight Member Posts: 7

    technically it's not a rework but a slight tuning

  • VortexVentamy
    VortexVentamy Member Posts: 93

    You're saying the Myers changes are a nerf… specifically to double iri "play style"? The two perks that got nerfed because they felt a bit unfair?

    Personally I find these changes to be a buff to Myers, it is so much easier to tier up and stalk from a multitude of maps. In addition to this if survivors are running away I actually get more stalk faster. If they are breaking line of sight then they are simply playing correctly, like how Myers has always been.

    If anything Myers is more stealthy thanks to these changes, simply '99 before going into tier three though this is assuming you are playing normal Myers which I guess may not be the case.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited November 2024

    he got sadako'd. they nerfed his time efficiency to mori defeating purpose of time-save of a mori allowing survivors to counter-play him while weaker survivor get dominated faster. i think he's always been easy loop myer's. The counter-play to him didn't really change.

    when myer's activates tier 3, it is suppose to be game-changing moment for him. its current underwhelming. it is like leads to 1 down if he 99'd someone and than he kinda get looped. furthermore, sometimes you have 99 EV2 but no one is going out of position to use it. so you're just sitting there waiting for mistake that doesn't occur.

    if you play double iri myer's, he's kinda 3 gen killer now. he needs too much time to get anything done but 3 gen only gives X amount of time until it is broken. even base-kit version feels 3 gen oriented because i have only found success in using pwyf with him otherwise he's atrocious. it is like farm 3 stack of pwyf, stalk very slowly, try to use speed to catch-survivor out of position pop tier 3, down, hook and then go back to defending gens. even with that, it's slow loss for Myer's. He's like also reliant on proxy camping hooks.

    i guess they'll just keep giving him ghostface-level buffs that don't do anything. that is the fate of all m1/low tier killer in the game. give buffs that make no difference vs strong players.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 704

    You said it yourself "if survivors run away" I'm yet to see anyone address the clear issue being if they don't run away and go to a loop location. What is Myers supposed to do in that situation? That survivor is safe from being hit and safe from being stalked. Almost every killer has an anti loop mechanic, Myers doesn't. The only advantage he had was when in a loop situation he could build stalk. Now he has no anti loop like always and can't build stalk when close.

    Personally I'm finding the rework a nerf based on my experience of playing Myers and also my experience of going against him. I used to get 3/4k regularly and matches against him were often pretty tough. Now I'm seeing a different picture....if that's not a nerf I don't know what it lol. Its unfortunate but as long as this new Myers is in play I won't be playing him.... I will use PH