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General Discussions

STB Is The Strongest Perk In The Game



  • Member Posts: 18

    If anything, I feel like this perk punishes people who don't tunnel even more than those who do. Had a group (I assume 2 to 4 man, unsure) use this perk incredibly effectively last night. Object of Obsession user with Burden kept their distance from me all match, so I ended up I spreading hooks between the other 3. When I got one of them on death hook near end game, Object user came out and exchanged hook states with him, completely shifting the little the pressure I had on them.

    Different match, I just tunneled the person that was unhooked as soon as I saw Burden used. It's easier to chase a loud, injured survivor over a healthy, quiet one (even if exposed). The match went a lot better even with having to hook someone 4 times because the downs were fast.

    My concern with the perk continues to be it will rarely be used in solo queue while being practically OP when used by SWFs.

  • Member Posts: 131

    I have to admit when I first heard about the perk, I imagined it would be something mainly swfs or higher MMR players would use. And I only say this because when you're playing soloq at low or mid MMR, random teammates can be uncoordinated and selfish as hell. I could very easily use a shoulder the burden to protect someone, and then the killer just downs me and runs right after them, downs them, and then where would we be? Lol.

    But I do see the allure of it if I find myself in a strong team. Maybe with someone who I notice is really good at chase or is adept at keeping the killer occupied while other people do gens. Eventually, if it ever pops up in the shrine, I'll get it to add to my altruism build. See how it goes. But again, the person I save would at least have to prove to me on some level that using a hook state on them is more valuable to the game than me having one less hook. I would hate to use it on someone who's just gonna get downed again literally three seconds later.

  • Member Posts: 894
    edited November 2024

    Honestly as a Stealth Killer and proxy-er I don't mind, I'll just use it to gain stalk then run in and hit the unhooker anyway with the free exposed. I also run Grim+Thrilling as my gen control and DON'T tunnel because my build doesn't work if you tunnel on purpose. But it is still a very strong perk, and I think if it ends up being problematic the best change they can do is simply to put it on a 60 second timer, and only work on the Survivor being unhooked if they were just unhooked within that 60 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Chiming in again to say thank you for saying this. The community likes to use terms like "consolation prize" and "participation trophy" when it talks about Killers winning, but then also likes to say you "have to win" referring to 3-4ks.

    Why do we honestly all care how many kills a Killer gets? The game says each Kill is kind of its own win, therefore the Killer doesn't win once if they get all 4 and win less if they get less… they can win up to 4 times a round, and Killer is actually more like a canned deer hunt with four deer. Now, if only emblems, pips, etc. supported all this and the devs made even a 1k feel like victory.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2024

    You’ve pinpointed the issue with this perk perfectly. It’s designed to be risky, trading a hook state and being exposed, which theoretically should give the killer a chance to put you second stage. But in practice, the downside isn’t that bad.

    The exposed effect is meaningless if the perk is timed well. The killer have to drop whatever they’re doing, sprint back to a likely deserted hook, locate the exposed survivor within the remaining seconds, and still manage to secure an M1 hit. This is very situational and inefficient for most killers.

    The worst part ? This perk can be used by all four survivors. So, even if the killer does everything right, finds, and downs you, another teammate can use Burden on you, reverting you to first hook and negating the killer efforts. Instead of getting 2 survivors on death hook you get 3 survivors on first hook.

    It forces killers into a lose-lose scenario, either waste time chasing the exposed survivor or continue pressuring gens.

    The slugging meta will only keep growing until Behavior do something about it, or nerf this perk. Survivors have more perks giving them value from being hooked than killers, which is ridiculous. Burden also works with Vigil, and Calm Spirit, so you don't even scream and only get exposed 28s. Probably work with Hardened too.

    My Idea for a nerf that wouldn't ruin the perk, would be to remove the ability to use Burden on someone that already used it earlier, and make it so that you canno't shorten/remove the debuffs.

  • Member Posts: 10,362

    It's funny, because survivors implied that the Exposed part would make this perk unplayable. Clearly they're still not seeing that trading a hook state using strategy is game breaking. They're smart enough to see that killers are tunneling and complain about it, but they're not smart enough to use this perk effectively. Whatever it takes to make the survivor role sound unplayably weak, that's the narrative they're gonna stick with.

  • Member Posts: 3,972

    That last part about downplaying one's own role is the worst part, and both sides do it. Hyperbole makes your stance both less relatable, and less credible. You see it with things like kill rates and 4 man SWF frequency all the time. Its part of why it feels like so many people across every DBD community seem to create their own little echo chambers instead of actually working with the other side to fix each other's issues.

    On topic, its another perk with a high skill floor and a stupid high skill ceiling. Many will misuse it and call it trash (and it will be trash for their playstyle) while others (especially coordinated ones) will get absurd levels of value from it. In its current state, I expect to see both sides complain about it (for different reasons) regularly.

  • Member Posts: 1,924

    This perk is similar to DS with this - when the killer isn't tunneling, you basically have an empty perk slot.

    Once you get the killer who's not tunneling - you'll get the full picture.

  • Member Posts: 371

    The meltdown over this perk is very illuminating, as it shows that the killer mains that are so vocal on these forums cannot handle anything at all that goes in the survivors favor even the slightest bit. I first heard about this perk in a forum thread and when first reading it I was under the impression that it actually gives survivors an extra hook state, which is the only way this massive crying would even be remotely warranted. But no, it turns out all it does is let survivors trade a hook state, and it even introduces a massive downside to the survivor trading as well. But because it makes tunneling slightly harder, everyone has to run to the forums and have their circle-jerk crying fest because the kill rate might go down from 60% to 59%.

    Survivors are constantly having to deal with game-breaking mechanics, such as Weave Attunement that was just recently fixed, and now the Thrill of the Hunt that is so broken in favor of killer that certain killers can now make it literally impossible for the survivors to even cleanse the hex totems. And who knows how long it will take Bhvr. to fix this new broken mechanic. Survivors are used to having the game be completely in favor of killer at this point, so they don't complain on the forums as much. But killer players have been coddled by Bhvr. for so long, that now a perk that merely lets Survivors trade hook-states, with a massive downside on top of that, causes this salt explosion of nuclear proportions. Truly shows how many killer mains in this game cannot deal with an actually balanced fair game, but need the mechanics to be massively in favor of them at all times. Hopefully Bhvr. does not listen to the crying killer mains again.

  • Member Posts: 3,972
    edited December 2024

    I think a lot of players on the killer side would get it, if you were to compare it to their similar predicament:

    Its similar to hex perks that get cleansed before they can even have any effect. You're taking the perk in the hopes it will get value, while said value is not guaranteed. The only reasons I consider that worse for hex perks is because almost none of them provide as much value even when able to exist, and perks like DS can create a "hesitation" with their threat, regardless of their presence. That said, you always have to accept that either may literally do nothing, while It can often just come down to luck of the draw.

  • Member Posts: 1,924
    edited December 2024

    I want dbd players to remember this line: - "You're taking the perk in the hopes it will get value, while said value is not guaranteed."

    This line is really crucial when you want to make a viable and consistent build that will compliment your playstyle.

    The amount of value you get from each of your perks matters more than a single-time (not guaranteed) use.


  • Member Posts: 460

    Remember before this perk came out it was all nerf WoO lol.

  • Member Posts: 136

    It still strong.

  • Member Posts: 4,701

    I think that this is the time for us to realize how necessary tunneling is.

    Yes, let's!

  • Member Posts: 894
    edited December 2024

    The issue is that as everyone has pointed out, slugging counteracts this entirely.

    Not a good way to resolve a non-existent issue, that being going back to defend hooks and check on unhooks to secure hits, a tactic the Killer is expected to and allowed to do. If Survs can greed on gens there is nothing wrong, toxic, or boring about Killers being able to proxy or monitor hooks like this. It's not face camping and not tunnelling. It's legitimately fine, leave it alone. It's only an issue when you literally tunnel the same person off the hook repeatedly, which is the only time this perk should work.

    It currently does not. It needs to deactivate for everyone once it's used once in the trial or needs a cooldown or something. Period. Survs shouldn't be able to so control hooks that hooking is a liability.

    Post edited by SidneysBane1996 on

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