Singularity is too strong
you are not having an honest discussion by throwing oneliners and ignoring everything that's been told to you.
you've earned your disrespect
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they also made this killer way more interactive and counterable by reducing overclock duration to minimal time & removing camera tech.
rn all that's accessible is the ability to just use the power, not gain any lethal value from it. if you stop focusing so much on the fact singu doesnt have to do mouse flicks to infect you, you'll notice how overclock duration is much more predictable and there's a lot of stuff you can do to counter or mitigate singularity's power.
the problem is that survivor players are still stuck in the time where singularity players struggled with going through the extra first strep before actually being allowed to use the power and it's really time to grow their skill there.
singularities being more common should with that. and if that's not the case, then there's no reason to complain either because they also nerfed the skill ceiling of this killer.
trust me, if you brought me back old soma's photo (5% haste instead of 3% we have now), overclock scaling (duration up to 8 seconds) and camera tech (instant camera CD skip that guaranteed a cross map TP), I'd do miles better than I do now.
RN I actually have to outplay survivors instead of playing my own game while they die on the background.
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and im not being hostile in any way towards you.
i dont really value the opinion of the guy
yeah, thank god you arent in charge here.
Your tone is disproportionate to mine, as I've said such harshness is not needed. I've kept the discussion civil and respectful.
your decisionmaking will not the game better for a lot of players me included.
Which decision-making? I don't see any propose changes I've made towards Singularity nor any other killer in this specific thread. I was mentioning a playstyle that can be done with current Singularity, and that I happen to really like. That is it. That is all I've said.
As for posting gameplay, it never works the way it should. I understand what you are saying, but when it is done to prove a point it is often dismissed with excuses.
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You come into this thread and support the bad changes by saying that you dont like the playstyle that would be discouraged by the changes proposed in this thread and that you like the playstyle that would be discouraged by the changes proposed in this thread. You are very much voicing a mindset that I called would be bad for this game's design if that was ever to be applied.
as for posting gameplay - not posting gameplay leads to pointless discussions like this.
I wouldn't care so much about gameplay if the OP was giving valid argumentation why they disagree and they don't.
They dont give proper arguments, they dont acknowledge when they have been proven wrong.
They keep appealing to the fact I allegedly ignored their questions (I in fact did not) and dismiss any reasonable thought or idea given to them if they even bother to acknowledge that in the first place. Simple example - they entirely ignored and refused to acknowledge the window tech counterplay (staying still after fastvault to force TP to stay behind the window) which trivializes Singularity's power whenever you're near windows and forces him to mindgame you like m1 killer. Why? Because it breaks their narrative about zero counterplay. Acknowledging there's counterplay to overclock would imply being infected isn't that big of a deal as they make it out to be and this is simply inconceivable.
This entire discussion can be summed up by OP complaining that Singularity can immediately reinfect survivors after they use EMP and me telling them this is okay and there's a plenty of room for counterplay to the actual ability that comes after, while being kind enough to offer ways to deal with Singularity on the stage of infecting and OP is clinging HARD on the fact these ways of mitigation dont always work, while entirely ignoring the actual chase / counterplay aspect.
Can you imagine a person complaining how there's nothing you can do about Freddy teleporting to your generator and dismissing any advice you give about running away, because they do not want Freddy to teleport to gen in the first place? This is the same kind of insanity here.
Try to consider that instead of defending them because their suggestions apparently appeal to you. You are siding with a person who has zero idea of what they're talking about and who refuse to listen to reason or provide evidence to support their position. They simply yap.
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First of all, this does not address the hostility written here in previous responses. I fail to understand why it was directed towards me when I talked to you respectfully and kept the discussion civil.
Second, not once did I state that I agree with OP's post regarding Singularity. In fact, if you asked for my opinion I don't think he requires changes, I would keep him as he currently is. What I did say was that I agree with the OP in regards to posting gameplay: I don't think it would help the discussion because I have seen it being dismissed before. That doesn't mean you would do it, I am just saying that it is something that happens, and has happened before, when people choose to share their own gameplay.
Furthermore, all I've said was that I have more fun against Singularity when they go for gen defense, because I personally have always liked macro gameplay. I am not the biggest fan of chases, I prefer the bigger picture of a DBD match. I don't think there was anything wrong with me sharing this opinion in a Forum that is made for us to talk about the game we all like to play. It wouldn't be right of me to say I was glad others "weren't in charge" every time they shared an opinion I disagree with.
Can you imagine a person complaining how there's nothing you can do about Freddy teleporting to your generator and dismissing any advice you give about running away, because they do not want Freddy to teleport to gen in the first place?
Well, I was here during the peak of Forever Freddy and immediately before his nerf in 2021, I have seen plenty of complaints regarding Freddy. But I have tried to keep the discussions respectful. You can check my post history if you want to.
Try to consider that instead of defending them because their suggestions apparently appeal to you. You are siding with a person who has zero idea of what they're talking about and who refuse to listen to reason or provide evidence to support their position. They simply yap.
Please point me towards the comment where I explicitly state that I agree with OP's proposed changes towards Singularity.
Because in your comment you said OP's changes would force Singularity towards gen defense. And I said that (referring to gen defense) is when I have most fun against Singularity. I did not say those changes should be done.Or that I would support them. I believe my stance on this matter is clear.
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You guys should just stop, this is pointless. It was never going to be an "honest discussion" with the topic and narrative the OP wants to push. Attempting to discuss anything with people who actually just want an echo chamber for their (terrible) opinions is a waste of time just like this entire thread is.
TLDR of every single whine thead:- Lack of experience, lack of willingness to adapt and skill issues. End of.
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So I can just do steps A, B, and C and beat any team? Wow, why have I never thought to do that before? Probably because it's never that simple, and not true. And then you're basically asking for a cooldown on pod placement, when it's so easy to screw it up. Do you know how hard that would fundamentally destroy the killer? No, I'm not reading the whole post, because that would be a waste of my time. You may have played this killer before, but you do not have his viability in mind when coming up with these changes. Not at all.
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I don't think any amount of those prerequisites being fulfilled would allow us to have good faith conversations with these people. I mean, look at what he's suggesting, what he's focusing on. "If the killer screws up a biopod placement, he shouldn't be able to instantly break and replace it (suggesting there should be a cooldown)! And EMPs are so bad now, even though they're exactly as strong as before (potentially destroying multiple cameras/infections at once), just not as easily infinite respawning as before!" That, to me, comes off as someone who may as well be lying about having played as the killer, and their intentions to "fix" the killer and make him better, because of how biased it sounds. It's vitriolic. It's anti-Singularity.
And it's not the first time I've seen this song and dance. "I main this killer, and I think these changes need to be reverted/they need to be nerfed." Funny, because I've never ever had that thought about a killer I play. Yes, there are some killers that I have played and am staunchly against in the current states, like Oni and Blight, but I localize the discussion on them to "What are you gonna do to these killers to equalize their strength on PC and console." I was very much against the Blight add-on nerfs, because without PC flicks, he just isn't that good, meaning those changes only hurt console players. But these people are just like, "I played 1 match with Wraith, got a 4k, and so he needs another nerf." No, we're not gonna buy that as an argument, and therefore cannot move forward in the discussion.