Devs should really consider removing dying survivors ability to see team aura when in dying state.

EndDyingAuras Member Posts: 3
edited December 2024 in General Discussions


Dev's should really remove the ability of a dying state Survivor to see your team's aura, while in the dying state.

NOTE: I am NOT applying this to the healthy/injured Survivors that are not downed. They can keep ability to see dying state teammates aura. I am -only- talking about the survivor's who are in the dying state. They should not be able to see where their team is.

It's consistently used to troll by salty teammates, or by Killers breaking Terms of Service and cooperating with a survivor. Far too frequently. Any legitimate benefit of this ability, to "crawl to your teammate" is outweighed, heavily, by the benefit from removing the ability to troll your team.

Furthermore, some killers love to break Terms of Service, to stall the game and pick up and drop the 2nd to last survivor, cooperating with them to tell them where the 4th final survivor is…. by using dying state aura.

Lastly, some survivors, when downed and there is no hope left in the game, will intentionally aim their bodies right in the direction of the final survivor, and crawl to them, changing direction as the survivor moves…. to show the killer where they are and hope the killer kills that one instead… and that the downed one is allowed to live instead. The right move is to accept you got downed and give the final teammate a chance at escape through hatch or exit gates.

Survivors in dying state should just have this removed. The benefits of removal far outweigh any benefit of dying state survivors seeing their teammates.
