Key issues that needs fixing for Houndmaster

Emeal Member Posts: 5,504
edited December 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions


Thank you for your hard work and creativity in designing the Houndmaster, as a longtime dog family member I very much enjoy the loyal, useful and sometimes silly Snug. After playing her extensively over the past few days, I have identified some key areas where her gameplay controls could be greatly improved to better align with player expectations and overall player enjoyment. Please consider the following suggestions:

1.Targeting In-Game Objects Using the Search Command

Issue: The current implementation of the search command's targeting system uses a pinpoint node similar to the Nurse’s Blink targeting, making it overly precise and difficult for the average player to target in-game objects. It seems that when it comes to targeting an Object you need to use her finger for aiming?? This results in an unintuitive experience where players must "fight" the controls to land commands accurately because the former is unclear.

Suggestion: Simplify and expand the targeting system to be more forgiving. For example, implement a system that dynamically snaps to nearby objects within a reasonable range, reducing the precision required. This will make the ability more accessible and less frustrating, encouraging more people to play her.

2.Changing Commands While Snug is Active

Issue: The Houndmaster cannot change her command selection while Snug is performing an action, making it impossible to prepare the next command in advance. This restriction creates confusion and limits the Killer's ability to adapt and strategize during downtime while waiting for Snug to return.

Suggestion: Allow players to switch commands even when Snug is active, enabling smoother, more strategic gameplay and reducing unnecessary frustration.

3.Confusion Around Command Selection

Issue: Players frequently lose track of the currently selected command, both myself and many streamers, requiring them to check the HUD often. Mistakes in command selection are punished with momentary slowdown, as using the wrong command at the wrong time can disrupt gameplay flow, much more than a failed dog grab attempt.

Suggestion: Allow players to switch commands while holding the ability charge. This would provide a smoother gameplay experience by enabling corrections without penalty. Alternatively, add a subtle on-screen indicator or an auditory cue for better awareness of the selected command.

4.Low Deviousness Point Gain

Issue: Houndmaster struggles to earn Deviousness points effectively. While her Search command functions well as an informational tool, its contribution to the Deviousness category is minimal and relies on Dog grabs which may or may not happen depending on the Houndmaster player's current skill, resulting in those points lagging greatly behind Brutality and Hunting.

Suggestion: Award more Deviousness points for actions associated with the Search command, such as running on Snugs path. This would better reflect the strategic value of her abilities as well as paying the Killer more handsomely for their gameplay.

5.Default Command Selection at Match Start

Issue: The Houndmaster starts the match with the Chase command selected by default. However, at the start of a game, players typically rely on Search for mobility and reconnaissance, not direct confrontation.

Suggestion: Set Search as the default selected command at the beginning of each match. This aligns with the intended early-game strategy and improves the overall flow and giving players a clue on what to do first.

Thank you for considering this feedback. I hope these suggestions help refine the Houndmaster and make her an even stronger addition to Dead by Daylight. Hope you all have a lovely day and honestly Thanks for this Killer, she is really amazing.

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