Thrill buff just convinced me of my old suggestions even more

We all know it's impossible to fix Hexes spawns, so in 80% of the games you will lose it no matter what before it will give even tiny value. I stopped to bring Hexes years ago, just sometimes I can bring Blood Favour in some meme build or Ruin if I'm okay with to play without perk with 80% chance.

And even if I agree that Thrill buff is slightly too much, it's nice to feel first time in DBD history that full Hex build is worth it. Even if all totems are cleansed in first minutes, you feel that it at least took time and you are not just perkless whole game, but your full Hex build at least had value of ~two Corrupts. If Thrill wasn't just cleansed first, of course, then it just perkless no matter what.

So, my idea is to make Hexes at least time wasters, so they will have small value no matter what, but make it easily to deal with, if killer want to defend them. So, my suggestion once again:

Hexes now take 28 seconds to cleanse them. (I want to pay attention: Hexes only, not dull totems)
All totems now don't lose progress instantly. Instead it works like Invocation: since action is canceled, it will losing 1 charge per second. (So 28 seconds for Hex to lose full progress and 14 for dull totem)

Obvious following perk changes:

– Thrill of Hunt:

  • No more a Hex
  • All totems now take 30% longer to break or bless.
  • Progress of totems deplete 100% faster.
  • Killer benefits from 30% faster pallet break and vault speed 30 seconds after every totem cleansed or blessed.

– Hex: Pentimento

  • All Hex totems in match breaks 20% faster.
  • After Pentimento totem is placed, it will show its aura to all survivors in 32 meters after 60 seconds.

Also with this changes I would give Boons a little change. I absolutely do not care how many cry babies here claim that Boons are weak (Surely it was good mechanic when CoH was most broken perk in the game and now, when literally nothing changed, it become "weak", yep yep) as probably the only real Boon user here, buff this mechanic overall will be hugest mistake. It's already literally broken tool for SWF. Slight buff to weak Boons perks? Sure, fully support it. Mechanic overall? Not even a question, should never be a thing. So:

– Blessing totem now take 10 second
– Boon totem instantly breaks when it sniffed. (As alternative: you can't no more bless this totem after sniff, so just don't buff Penti)

So idea here is make Boons blessing time more forgiving and give killers some way of counterplay. Because something 100% should be done with stupid lose/lose situations like this:

Thanks for your attention!


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    We all know it's impossible to fix Hexes spawns, so in 80% of the games you will lose it no matter what before it will give even tiny value. I stopped to bring Hexes years ago, just sometimes I can bring Blood Favour in some meme build or Ruin if I'm okay with to play without perk with 80% chance.

    from what i have read, survivor want to revert thrill so that we go back to what hexes were for last 6-7 years. the idea that they'll put thrill base-kit into totems is heavily unlikely to occur.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    There is tiiiiiny difference between 28 and 46 seconds before to call it "basekit Thrill", but as you say.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    28/0.7 = 40 seconds. 14→28 second is putting some of thrill of the hunt into base-kit.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    as probably the only real Boon user here

    As if my account name never existed.

    But other than that the problem with Boon is its dependence on maps, sometimes in some maps all the totems are in bad places (in the corner of the map - the edge of the map - dead zone - very exposed area - etc.)

    Also your suggestion makes Boon less usable, because when you play as a survivor you have no way to prevent the killer from sniff Boon totem or even protecting Boon totem.

    Unlike when you play as the killer literally survivors can't cleanse or bless a Hex totem if you are close to a Hex and even some killers like The Trapper can set a trap near a Hex or The Hag etc.

    So since the survivors are unable to protect and defend Boon totem, the developers gave survivors the ability to bless totems over and over again indefinitely but at the expense of time.

    Either they fix the totem locations (the best and hardest option) or they increase the Boon totem range a little (the easiest option).

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 998

    Your suggestion sounds very good. Unfortunately, it is very likely that the developers will never fix totem spawns because they keep doing their old mistakes like totem spawns on newer maps proof (the new Ormond map has totem right next to generators). So increasing the time it needs to cleanse a hex totem to 28 sec is the best solution - and also an easy to do. Also the change to the progressbar is fine to nerf strong totem defenders like Artist, Doctor, or Singularity so the match up against them is fairer. The TotH rework is also cool and fair. But why nerfing Pentimento?

    The change to Boons is fair. They are still strong like you already mentioned.

    In my opinion, cleansing a dull totem could take 10 seconds instead of 14 seconds to buff survivor totem perks a bit more, which are very healthy ones. Also make it like that a cleansed dull totem cannot be used for Pentimento.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,952

    Suprisingly, I agree with you on a lot of points presented.

    Just one small thing I’d do: Decrease the boon shimmer sounds.

    I mean, in the descriptions of them, it says: "soft chimes ring out…". Well, at least to me, a sound of a running vacuum is anything but.

    Also, I don’t think it is impossible to fix totem spawns. On 85% of the maps, it’s fairly doable. Sure, on the new Haddonfield or Rotten Fields, it’s really hard. But nothing can excuse a totem spawning 3 meters away from a gen in the Red Forest.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    But why nerfing Pentimento?

    Look, currently I don't agree with Penti complains, I think now it's more than fair perk. Yeah, it's sometimes rough in soloq, but if player doesn't understand that he needs to cleanse totem another time, it's definately not a perk problem. What is not rough in soloq after all?
    But after my suggestion I think full Hex build with Penti on top will be probably slightly too much. So I think give it slight drawback and info which will help to solve soloq teammates mistakes.

    In my opinion, cleansing a dull totem could take 10 seconds instead of 14 seconds

    I can agree with it, with blessing being 10 seconds, it sounds logical.

    Also make it like that a cleansed dull totem cannot be used for Pentimento.

    This one I can't agree with. Penti already does something only in full Hexes build. Why to make perk obligated to pair with other perks and make it does absolutely nothing by itself?

    Also, I don’t think it is impossible to fix totem spawns. On 85% of the maps, it’s fairly doable. Sure, on the new Haddonfield or Rotten Fields, it’s really hard. But nothing can excuse a totem spawning 3 meters away from a gen in the Red Forest.

    Devs long time ago answered to this. 100% remove totem spawns from certain places will only make it even easier to find. Like if you know it won't spawn, for example, 12 meters near gens, it already will decrease possible spawns in like half. So nah, fix totem spawns is nearly impossible, at least without adding another huge problems with it.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,345

    Let's not use current thrill as a metric for basekit. You're giving the entirety of prebuff thrill as a basekit option which would require hex perks in general needing big nerfs.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 998

    Look, currently I don't agree with Penti complains, I think now it's more than fair perk. Yeah, it's sometimes rough in soloq, but if player doesn't understand that he needs to cleanse totem another time, it's definately not a perk problem. What is not rough in soloq after all?
    But after my suggestion I think full Hex build with Penti on top will be probably slightly too much. So I think give it slight drawback and info which will help to solve soloq teammates mistakes.

    that's fair and I understand why Pentimento should get a nerf alongside these changes to totems.

    This one I can't agree with. Penti already does something only in full Hexes build. Why to make perk obligated to pair with other perks and make it does absolutely nothing by itself?

    In my opinion, totem perks such as Inner Strengh, Overzealous, or Hardened are very healthy perks for the metagame because they are good/useful and have a fair trade (you do an investment to get a good reward) but they are not good on every survivor because then they become useless. I wish the developers would create more of these perks that have a little bit of investment for a good reward and that are not good on everyone - this would result in more perk variety and less free strong stuff. However, getting randomly punished for using these perks by Pentimento makes them so bad and awful. Therefore, if you use one of these perks, you should not get punished because this results in "okay then I run what everyone else runs". There is also the argument if this is a real nerf because why should you use Pentimento without a hex perk? This either means you like to gamble or you use it because you know there is a "cleanse a totem" archive that you can abuse. We can also go this way and say that all of these survivor perks get this effect to deny Pentimento when cleansing a dull totem. So if a survivor cleanse a totem without having one of these perks then Pentimento would work.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    With Overzealous you actually rewarded with Penti, 20% is nuts. Same with Inner Strengh, you can use it often. It actually help more with these perks, especially if whole team brought them, they are not useless anymore with Penti.
    I don't think you are "punished" with it either, it's just following effect of your actions, whole game based on this. There are a third part of all perks works like this. Why I punished for hooking with Fast Track? Why I punished for kicking gen with Blast Mine? Why I punished for splitting pressure with Resi and Adrenaline? Why I punished with MFT just for playing Slinger, Legion or Haundmaster? Why I punished for bringing Hex with Overzealous, to begin with. Like, I can continue until next friday.