I can't even get to one of the gates and it is open by the time I get there make them longer.
Gens and gates need to be longer and get rid of any aoe effect on any perk especially Prove Thy Self. Again someone standing around to give them the effect. Make it so they have to be on a gen and it can't stack with any other effect that speeds gens. Also make gates longer I can't even do one full circuit because the HUD allows them to camp a gate when last gen is close to finishing. This is a problem in both SWF and solo. Making the gates longer will help mitigate this also make it so they can't use the lights to trick killers anymore. The moment it is touch the first light should go off. If that is too much then make it that gens only have 2 sides open and no 3 or 4 man gens anymore with the removal of aoe on Prove.
There are like two maps with gates you can maybe go for the rest of the maps the killer doesn't even need to move to see both gates with the lights.
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The perk you're talking about is leader - and it's literally in the description that it's meant to increase gate opening speed of a nearby survivor. That is time you as the person with the perk spend standing next to the gate, while on many occasions it'd be at least equally useful to head into the map to be there to take a hit for someone still in chase.
I'm also not entirely sure what you're trying to get at with not being able to patrol gates. Gates are not gens; you're not supposed to defend gates like you defend gens.
Absolutely with you on 2man gens max though; it's such a waste if there are three or four people on a gen and it doesn't happen to be the last one.