Problematic perk is face the darkness, not toth.

Everyone forgets about this perk until it becomes relevant for a week until bhvr have to nerf the perk they buffed because it works well with face the darkness and doesn't show as problematic in their statistics because no one uses this perk outside of these awful builds, but face the darkness ONLY works as perk to enable these mega unfun builds for killers. Pig search boxes was one of them and we will definitely gonna get more in a future. Bhvr needs to rework this perk to avoid more of these bad meta builds for killers.
It is absolutely TotH that's the problem, dear. Face the Darkness is far from the only way to interrupt cleanses.
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face the darkness, curses 1 target that received damage and works until the cursed target is healed or is hooked, so stay in the chase for 25 seconds without taking damage during this time your allies will completely turn off all the killer's totems
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No. I'm very certain, it's thrill.
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I mean, Face the Darkness becomes much stronger, because the cleanse time is so long.
Kinda funny how we’re suddenly back in a hex meta, though.
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That's asking a lot of the average player. They don't even like do gens after they get interrupted once, or after 1 person gets hooked. But we're supposed to balance around them; they're not supposed to get good at the game.
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Yeah, I guess because hexes exist, suddenly they stop doing 5 gens in 5 minutes. They just forget they can do that at any point.
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None of this was a problem until Thrill of the Hunt got buffed, so nah, pretty sure Thrill of the Hunt is the issue here.
Also, Pig search wasn't a problem because of FTD, it was a problem because of the old Ultimate Weapon and/or having both of them combined. FTD has never been an issue and can be cleansed uninterrupted by the injured survivor if necessary.
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Legion, Plague, Wraith, Twins, Nurse, Blight, etc.
They can all hit survivors easily.
It's ridiculous that you would defend a 47 second cleanse totem, and impose a complex and difficult gameplay just to justify it.
What else would you say? Throw all pallets to create dead zones to avoid getting hit to activate this Hex?
Just admit that you want an easy win and not worry about generators.
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Just play survivor more and your opinion will change.
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Would this all be a symptom of the fact that totems instant regress and not that they take too long then?
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Why the hate? A bunch of bad killer matches?
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No, I wouldn't say that either, because the instant regression wasn't a problem before TotH got buffed out the wazoo. Also, the instant regression works way better with the baseline 14 second cleanse time, while slowed regression would be a huge nerf to baseline.
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There are far more combinations of add-ons and killer powers that create problems with TotH, and even if all of those get nerfed/fixed to not be a problem, if it remains in its current state it will continue to be a problem element and have to be accounted for when designing every future killer as well.
No to mention highly mobile killers, which are already top of the pile, become even more top of the pile.
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Have it regress at a speed based on how fast a survivor can cleanse it, if it takes 14 seconds to cleanse it takes 7 seconds to regress, if it takes 46 seconds to cleanse it takes 23 seconds to regress.
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That doesn't resolve the aformentioned issues though…
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The perk buys 68 extra seconds of cleansing
If those 68 seconds couldn't be reset unless the killer walks over to you personally then it wouldn't matter
It used to be 34 seconds of of extra cleansing which in that state it was unusable compared to most other perks.
68s is a balanced value but the fact that it doesn't interact nicely with other perks and mechanics is why it is broken
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but your using 3 perk to defend totems. undying, face and thrill. it is all your perk slots in 1 basket.