BP gain with calculations

So, I've made some calculations about the BP gains.
Table below will show how much time it takes to make a single prestige, with different BP gains.
This shows that BP gains are so bad, especially for new players
I assumed that average bp gain for surviviors is 25k points, and 35k points for a killer.
So for example, it takes around 35 to 50 matches for newer players to gain a prestige.
1 match on average takes 12 minutes, so we need 420 to 600 minutes for a prestige. (7-10 hours + lobby time, searching games etc)
Making 1 character p3 takes 21-30 hours for a new player.
We have 45 surviviors and 37 killers. (82 total characters)
So it takes 574 to 820 hours to make every character p3.
PS: if someone will manage to make 15k BP per match as a new survivior, which is very much possible, then it takes almost twice of that time, so 1000-1200 hours probably.
So the suggestion is to make it easier, grind is too much. Let's think about longevity of our beloved game.
(There is top row, that shows number of games.
Green color indicates that we hit close number to what is needed for a prestige.
I didn't count cobblers for a killer, you don't have "power" over it.
One major error tho, You only need to get a character to P1, as you can level up perks from there individually. P3, only gets you savings on like 6 level ups for each character of that type which is good for veterans, but not needed for casual players.
In essence you can slash your numbers in 3.
We are also assuming a player needs all perks unlocked to enjoy the game, which is false.
Some players cant sit still if they have not unlocked everything, but they are not the majority.2 -
That's true, but we all aim for "purple" perks, which definitely will take more than just p1.
Now i have all my characters about p11, so i have every perk unlocked.
If there is new DLC i still need to buy free perks, like resilience etc. It takes like 40-45 lvls of a prestige to get it all.If you need to buy every perk lvl from all 44 more characters it will take so much more BP and you will get to p3 anyway ;)
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we all aim for "purple" perks,
No we don't, we just get them eventually, some do certainly. But if your enjoyment of a game comes from having everything unlocked then you are a collector not a gamer in my opinion. Certainly that should not determine the gain of bps for all.
Sure its easy to think that you need it, but have you even tried to measure every possible time perk value was obtained where a green or yellow would not have been equally sufficient? I have and the times a purple perk matters is like 1 in too many.
In short, there is no reason why the standard of casual practise of progressing in DBD should be dictated by one type of players.
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Oh damn, you hate people man. People don't want to grind hundred or thousand of hours.
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I have not said anything like that, so let me clarify: I don't hate collector players, not at all.
Hatred is not seeing a difference in perspective, what the problem here is when you make post here saying "BP gains are so bad, especially for new players" and those new players are not any new players, but new collector players who want to unlock everything or every perk at its max tier, then its false cause while many players believe they need that, they absolutely don't.
Sure its not nice to point at other people who play different ways or point out what you see wrong with their style, I did not mean to talk down to you or any collector player and for that I apologize, my point is it you cant assume that is the new player and even if they wanted it, its not necessarily something they need.
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We are also assuming a player needs all perks unlocked to enjoy the game, which is false
if you don't want players who want/needs it talk for majority, don't do it yourself.
It's false for you. You have exactly same right to talk for majority as OP does, which is 0. All you can talk about is your experience, but you always like to talk as you are majority in posts about BP.
I know I am extreme example, but I personally want to have unlocked everything.
I would say you are one of extremes too and don't mind this grind at all.
I can talk at least for 4 people tho, because 3 my friends, who started with me, all dropped DBD with grind as only reason.0 -
Pointing out that the majority isnt collector players, isnt speaking for the majority.
I have not denied anybody the right to post or their opinion or pretended as if I should have a say on that matter.Secondly I don't say this because its my opinion, I say it because there are many pitfalls and issues with messing with incentives.
A quick boost to satisfy a few collector players can have long term repercussions for all players, Game Design is a fascinating subject. Many games have tried these things before and its been studies and theorized, I want to base my understanding on that knowledge not what I internally want. We can discuss these things if you want.
At the end of the day, I want bHVR to make good decisions and that comes from well reasoned discussions which we can have here.
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I am completely fine with 100 prestige to be hard to get, that doesn't affect player's gameplay in any way.
But current way of unlucking perks is just terrible. It costs both money and time, this is one of very few games, where this is true.
I get you don't want to be overwhlemed with too many BPs, which would waste time, but there are other fixes for this issue.
Current way of unlocking perks is highly not noob friendly, which I see as an issue. Right now, I wouldn't recommend DBD to any new player, if I lost my account, then I wouldn't start again.1 -
Exactly! I can't get any of my real-life gamer friends to play dbd with me, most tried and refused to play after period of time, some don't even want to try.
That's too much for new players.