Revert The Recent Chucky Nerfs
He was fine after the rat poison change. You're changing a killer that very few people are playing and you've made him feel absolutely atrocious with the recent round of changes.
He's a 110 killer with no map pressure, his power is supposed to be strong in chase just like that of Spirit because it's the only thing he has and no, a stealth where you are giggling 24/7 is not consistently usable stealth.
You already deleted his scamper and now you've made the only power he has left take longer than Wesker dash to charge and now it also goes insanely slow. It's genuinely impossible to do some mind games with the power now because you move so slowly that survivors have a millennium to react to it.
The most unnecessary change ever. In a game where Blight exists with insane map pressure, 115 base movement speed and an incredible anti-loop why is a 12 seconds cooldown anti-loop on a 110 killer the thing you're constantly nerfing. Revert him and leave him alone.
I could not have said it better myself