Hotfix for Houndmaster - Part 2 (She needs more love)

I think she might need a few more adjustments.
Did the dog grab you? Thats fine. Fall off a ledge. Your free.
Got snatched again? Thats fine. Stun him with a pallet.
Oh no ya got attacked again by snug! Its okay. Teammate sets you free real fast.
Land a nice shot around a loop? Awesome! Except the dog wont pull the survivor at all through that pallet so boom. You lose out.
The good news for the survivor there is a 20% chance when you launch the dog he just wont move at all even if there is nothing in front of him.
The bug where when you land a grab the dog pulls the survivor away from you instead of to you.
Search ability - my only issue is that the radius is still too small. Its a very lackluster ability. The time the radius grows larger the dog is at your feet and its irrelevant.
The dog gets stuck when doing search mode halfway through a path and wont move for a while leaving you without a power. There just feels like there are so many counters to her dog.
These are just a few things at the top of my head that are frustrating.