Revert Hellfire Nerf (Dracula)

Still no changes to Dracula, 10 seconds is way too long on Hellfire. Didn't need a nerf.
Quote from my previous discussion:
Increasing Hellfire's cooldown just adds clunk for those who enjoy using Vampire more, we shouldn't be forced to play wolf. It should be "hey this tile works well with wolf-form, let me use it" not "damn my power is on cooldown, gotta use wolf"
He's already the equivalent of about 4-5 killers crammed into one package with an overloaded kit. I think he is pretty close to fine now. Not being able to chain everything he has back-to-back and requiring a bit more planning is more than acceptable.
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Hellfire is fine imo. Now if you miss it survivors have a chance to make it somewhere. And there are still plenty of places where you can keep them in one place and spam hellfire, and if they move away you M1 (for example, nearly every hallway pallet on Hawkins). The 3 seconds isn't so huge of a deal that it mandates wolf form every time.
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If hellfire was his only ability then I'd advocate for it to have a faster cooldown, but Dracula has a movement and second chase ability, so no.
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Hellfire was totally fine before with the 7 second cooldown. It did already punish you if you did miss it and forced you to Wolf while other killers can just spam their M2 with no cooldown.
Im fine with it having a cooldown as he has other forms to help him, but 7 seconds was already a lot for a hindered ability like his Hellfire. The cooldown nerf was not needed and as op said it was more of a "just use wolf" instead of a needed nerf.
If BHVR wants people to use wolf, then make that form's identity clear.
Whats the identity right now? A tracking tool? Nope, his tracking is useless when you need to track and locate survivors: outside the chase. Inside the chase i can track survivors with any killer with the generic tools the killers has (scratch marks, sounds, pools of blood..) unless the survivor have very specific builds to make you lose track of them. And this is interesting because the form was marketed as Dracula's tracking tool.
So, its just another chase tool? Then we have a problem as we already have Hellfire for anti-loop.
The problem here is, if you make Pounce worse than Hellfire (like it always has been) then there is no point going wolf. But if you make Pounce stronger or even as strong as Hellfire, then what is the point of the Vampire's form at all? Wolf has not only the M2 but more passives, if they make his M2 equal or stronger than Hellfire then there is no point to ever go Vampire.
I get that the point was to use them on different situation, but as people have realized already, Hellfire is better than Pounce in 90% of the situations. But thats not because Hellfire is good, thats because Pounce is bad.
Just make wolf form an actual tracking tool and make it spawn orbs when survivors are standing or even walking, like, at the moment when you actually need to track people. Make it spawn them at a slower rate if needed to balance it out. Or just do something to help the track outside the chase.
Then i would have no problem with Pounce being worse than Hellfire. Wolf form would primary be a tracking tool (like, again, how the form was marketed) and would just have a Pounce to help him a little bit more in chase, but if you want to truly catch survivors in loops, then you would have to try with Hellfire and his high cooldown (again, 7 seconds was totally fine).
Right now Vampire and Wolf forms are just chasing tools, and people will just use the one that is better at the job.
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vampire form is suppose to be chase for low wall loops and wolf form is chase mode for high wall loops. a killer can have 2 chase tools without either of them being better or worse than another. bat form is anti-shift w+map mobility. he's fine as is but his hellfire did not need cooldown nerf. Sylph feather making his hellfire 4 second cooldown was not overpowered. Pyramid head has 0 cooldown attack that also goes through all walls. it's kinda boring that you have to use sylph feather to undo nerf. force of echo also feels somewhat neccassary for wolf to be good.
it would be nice if add-on were just base-kit but it is alright.
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Very well said, unfortunately I doubt they'll do anything about this since its a "small change" in their eyes. Its awful clunk for us.
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I think it is alright, especially considering Dracula already has other stuff to use.
Abilities that ignore resources such as pallets and windows can never be oppressive because… well, they ignore resources. The only thing survivors have at their disposal. Therefore, such resources have to be useful, otherwise playing survivor has no point.
Hellfire needs to have an increased cooldown, it is fine as it currently is.