More in Match "Pop Ups" for Survivors

The last Version of the 2v8 Mode had this Pop Up Box, when you were hooked, it told you what your Special Ability was and that you unlocked it by getting hooked and how to use it. This was fantastic.
You could add Infos and Tips to Killer Powers in normal Matches when playing against said Killer with that Power. This would really REALLY improve the SoloQ Experience for all other Survivor Players, help new Players and get then more interested in the game.
For Example many casual- or new Players don't know how to interact with some specific Killer Powers like Pinheads Box, Vecnas Magic Items or Sadakos Tapes etc. It's bad for the Team and these Killers seem overpowered for a casual/new Survivor. And as a Killer it's not really fun to go against a Survivor that has no clue what to do. Also it would make it better for people to understand a new Killer in a PTB, so the full release will be overall better.
Someone that just plays for a bit sometimes or fresh jumps into the game don't want to read 38+ Killer Power Descriptions that they don't even own. And the Loading Screen is something not many people even look at, but in a match it will be looked at.
All of these should be able to be turned off, but are on by default.