REALM: Temple of Athena / Shrine of Aphrodite
POWER: Arachnid's Embrace & Wall Crawler
MOVEMENT SPEED: 110% / 4.4m/s
TERROR RADIUS: 20 meters
(The Sound of Crawling and Scurrying Spiders)
She has the upper body of a Woman, and lower body of a Spider, and one arm deformed into a Claw.
Her lower Jaw is split open in half, and a viscous white substance drips profusely from her mouth, leaving patches behind in her wake that fades over Time.
WEAPON: Deformed Spider's Claw
PASSIVE: Wall Crawler
The Spider Queen is able to walk on walls and ceilings, becoming Undetectable.
While on a ceiling, Pressing the Secondary Power Button will cause her to drop down to the ground, instantly picking up a Survivor if she lands on them.
POWER: Arachnid's Embrace
The Spider spits webbing at her target, having the following effects:
- On Survivors, causes the Hinder Status Effect and Incapacitates them; the Survivor can perform a Tear Web Action for X seconds to remove the Webbing, Allies may also perform the Action
- On Windows and Downed Pallets, the Survivor will be affected by Arachnid's Embrace as above
- On Upright Pallets, Survivors will be unable to drop them
- the Tear Web Action must first be performed on Webbed Generators and Chests
- Can also be spat on the ground, Immobilzing the Survivors, they can perform the Unstuck Action to free themselves
She is able to spit her webbing while on a wall and ceiling
She pins the Survivor down with her legs and vomits webbing all them coccooning them in the process then proceeds to plunge her fangs into their neck.
(Pic Off of Pintrest)
I'd love a spider killer, but it's not likely due to people complaining that it sets off their phobias.
We still have the occasional 'Plague needs to be removed because emetophobia'.
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Shelob please
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I mean, they're not wrong. Plague, Clown, and Doctor still have accessibility issues (as do some others to a lesser degree,) we don't need to add another common one. The Entity is already spider-like enough.
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There was this game, Boyfriend Dungeon I think. Made by an incredibly progressive group, all that stuff. Problem was that part of the story involved a stalker.
The developers were called out endlessly for not providing a detailed enough trigger warning, likely not wanting to completely give the plot away. But they updated it to be detailed.
This…wasn't enough. People declared that even including a stalking subplot in a game was a consent violation and demanded that it be completely removed. Lots of people. And that any content that could trigger anyone for any reason has no place in fiction.
Others quite rightly pointed out that everyone has their phobias and triggers and expecting that none of these to be poked at ever isn't just unrealistic, it's stifling. There are numerous articles and videos about this - including a solid one by YouTuber Sarah Z.
My point is that expecting to have no phobias triggered - in a horror game no less - is a bit silly. I mean, Cynophobia and Hemophobia are two phobias at least as common as a fear of spiders. So…should Houndmaster be removed? And no games can have blood effects now?
Warn people. If it's realistic, allow them options. But to frame triggering phobias as an accessibility issue is absurd, as basically…all video games are thus ableist.
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Do you not understand the difference between designing things in mindful ways and people being unreasonable? Plague's emetophobia issues could be resolved in very simple options like disabling puking noises and/or making the puke more transparent
Your slippery slope story has nothing to do with that. The Colorblindness options in this game aren't even good "enough" for many colorblind people, but making them better would compromise other aspects of the game so… they stopped there.
The point of avoiding phobias is that they have not yet been introduced. Since the clown has already been introduced and he can't be changed to something that is not a clown, they now would have to find compromises to minimize the impact he would have on coulrophobics (similar to the Plague situation I mentioned.) If he was just not designed as a clown, they would have avoided having to go back and redesign things if trying to accommodate.
Lastly different phobias work differently, and elicit different responses. Its not always about just the fear aspect. Emetophobia is a prime example because it often directly causes nausea and even vomiting themselves. Which could have been avoided if they designed the killer in a way that is mindful of it, vs having to later play catchup on finding ways to hide or minimize it.
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That wouldn't be enough and you know it. And yes, I'm saying that you're being unreasonable, bordering on minimizing the phobias of others.
Now, an option to maybe change something is an idea, maybe a toggle to chance blood color for instance or disable the puking sound. The problem is that has to be done incredibly carefully to avoid having the 'right' setting for competitive players, ala SC2.
I'm not going to debate the ins and outs of emetophobia to avoid sidetracking the discussion, aside from pointing out that nausea is a common fear response anyway. You listed Clown too.
Explain to me how coulrophobia is less impactful than, say, a fear of heights. Should BHVR start designing maps without verticality? Or hemophobia - should we be removing blood splatter on future killers?
Also - name me a licensed killer property that would not trigger phobias of any sort and let's go from there. Just one good example.
(Yes, it's a rhetorical question. Because I'm pretty sure that someone with severe phobias of any sort is going to regard their phobia as crucial).
Or - better yet - we calm down, include the necessary warnings and let adults curate their own gaming experiences from there. Otherwise things get very silly very fast.
EDIT: masklophobia! Extremely common, often pretty damn severe. Should BHVR skip the FNAF chapter next year?
Keep us posted as to which phobias are okay to trigger and which aren't.
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I already addressed the point about people using a setting for an advantage. There is such a thing as addressing accessibility issues without giving inherent benefits, like the current colorblindness and FoV settings (which many claimed were going to give unfair advantages before they were introduced.)
You're also trying to stretch my argument to avoid all phobias ever, when you know thats not what I'm arguing. I listed clown because I was using him as part of the example, as my point was concerning two killers who are already in the game, thus meaning they would need extra work to allow accessibility options. I could have included the Dredge as well, but thats more in terms of physical accessibility.
When did I say anything about more or less impactful? I said that they can elicit different responses. You're also really forcing the acrophobia argument as a bit of a strawman.
And no, your "warnings" are pointless when people are unable to prevent matches vs content added into the game. You can't filter out the game to never see a killer, as this is a live service game that changes over time (including by adding content like the ones in question.) Many people straight up DC from these matches if its a killer that they are unable to go against, especially since they won't know until its too late to dodge.
For the last time, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
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You can choose not to play a game that triggers a specific phobia of yours. That's my meaning.
I'm not stretching your argument or strawmanning…huh? I'm using acrophobia as it's common and often severe. I'm also pointing out that, as much as you try to hedge - you're putting certain phobias on a pedestal. You're also creeping right back into 'trigger warnings aren't enough, we need to actively censor/not release media that triggers anyone' territory.
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YESSS! Make it the entity. Bio would be like all the escaping survivors has angered the entity and make that the new killer.
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And what happens when its a game you've invested thousands of hours into before the content was added? Thats my point.
Its not about putting certain phobias on a pedestal, its about preventing them from even becoming relevant. When introducing them into a game, you have to decide whether their inclusion is worth the potential exclusion of the userbase it can affect, especially when its something not crucial to the game. Spider fans being slightly disappointed is not worth as much as players no longer being able to play the game, and that applies to a lot more than just phobias.
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Game is a live service. You knew that going in and now have a choice to make, much as when a game patch puts your PC under spec.
You are absolutely putting certain phobias on a pedestal. What do I mean?
Replace 'spider fans' with, let's say, FNAF fans and apply the same logic - which is why demanding that certain content be censored or never added if it triggers your specific phobia is selfish at best and absolute poison to any sort of media at worst. Because by your logic, Houndmaster should never have been added (dog phobia - incredibly common). Or Dracula (dog phobia, bat phobia, blood phobia - all extremely common).
Did that prevent people with a phobia of dogs from playing the game?
Again, you're going down the 'trigger warnings are pointless, we need to censor or exclude any triggering content' road and either you don't realize it, or you do - and are pretending you don't. Because that's the absolutely only place your train of thought leads.
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Again, you're making up arguments to try to pin on me. I have made zero comment saying that FNAF chapter shouldn't exist because of automatonophobia or any other phobias related to the franchise. I have been very clear that phobias can be accessibility issues especially when they cause physical or physiological reactions beyond just their shared symptom, fear. That also applies to any that I haven't specifically addressed, including the FNAF chapter.
You're making claims of being selfish then pretending its not selfish that you want content you know will cause issues for other players. I'm not even arachnophobic myself, I just understand that other people are.
I'm not saying we should exclude any and all potentially triggering content. I never said that, only that preventing the content from being introduced in the first place is both safer and more effective than introducing it, forcefully alienating a part of your userbase, then later trying to make options and adjustments to lessen the impact it can have on players. This is universal in regards to accessibility, it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it is specifically concerning phobias in this instance.
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I can understand.
But it is a horror game after all, and a good way for people to face their fears in a controlled environment.
To feel exhilarated again by a chasing killer..
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I have a fear of being stabbed.. Hmm.