General Discussions

General Discussions

Current Houndmaster

Is fine and def not top 5. If anything she's still too buggy rn. Survivors can still easily dodge the dog from a distance and loop her around dropped safe pallets. Yeah she can guarantee hits on animations but so can Huntress/Pyramid Head/Xeno/Dracula/etc so I really don't see what the big fuss was about it, just like these other killers you can still play around that. Her map traversal ability can also be pretty awkward to use cause the dog's path can take weird turns and you must follow it exactly or you lose your speed boost. Definitely not as smooth to use as something like Blight's/Billy's/Dracula's traversal abilities or even teleports abilities like Unknown's or Dredge's (in maps full of lockers).

So all in all I'll give her low A tier at best and even that might be too generous considering all her numerous still present bugs. Any nerfs to her and she'd easily drop back to low tier considering her bugged state, which can be brutal at times even in her current state.

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  • Member Posts: 317

    I acc really enjoy playing as her and like her as is tbh (not considering the buggy bits). She is very versatile for me. I can have my map presence with "search" and have my chase power with the dog. Tried a few different builds that are my fave and i'm having a blast. Would agree with ~A tier based on the matches I've had. I do feel like some things will get tuned down a bit though which i'm ok with but additional nerfs would ruin her.

  • Member Posts: 290

    I've yet to even see a HM. I've seen more Twins and Hags this event.

    That said - I've been playing her a bit here and there and she's probably 'A' tier, with a fairly high skill floor and a lot of very janky AI and bugs.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    She’s A tier. A solid, oppressive anti-loop killer even with the bugs. I don’t see any reason to nerf her yet. But she should definitely be watched.

  • Member Posts: 298

    i'd be fine if they toned the chase power down a bit but buff the heck out of scout . The targeting for scout is very clunky and houndsense is still pretty useless . Louder grunts or pain etc when a survivor is downed like what even is the point of that . My point is that chase is so mich better then scout and it be more equal

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