Licensed Chapter Concept - Team Fortress 2; Pyro & Engineer

Killer - The Pyro
Killer Data
Power: Flamethrower
- Igniting
- Pallets/Breakable Walls
- Windows
- Survivors
- Add-ons
- Power Jack
- Sustained Cruelty
- Hex: Boiling Point
Survivor - Dell Conagher
Survivor Data
- Sentry
- Boon: Safe Zone
- Boon: Traversal
Killer - The Pyro
Killer Data
Overview: The Pyro is a deranged and ruthless mercenary, profiting from their cruel massacres. Their personal perks burn Survivors for their reliance on temporary shelter or tricks up their sleeves.
Speed: 4.6 m/s
Terror Radius: 32 meters
Height: Medium
Sound Effects: The Pyro has a breathing sound, but this is difficult to hear through walls. Their flamethrower increasingly produces a crackling sound as it heats up.
Power: Flamethrower
Being equipped with a flamethrower in their left hand, the Pyro is armed to incinerate anything standing in their way.
The flames of the flamethrower ignite pallets, breakable walls, windows, and Survivors alike. Ignited pallets, breakable walls, and windows can be walked through by the Pyro like they aren't there, and collapse under the weight of vaulting Survivors—hindering them for trying to run over coals. Survivors that are ignited receive wounds that are difficult to treat and increasingly become vulnerable to the heat.
The flamethrower can be used by holding the Power Button. While held, a 5-meter line of flame fires from the flamethrower. The following occur to the Pyro while using their flamethrower:
- They are slowed to 4.2 m/s.
- Their turning radius is set to a max of 300 degrees per second (compare to Chucky's Slice & Dice turn rate).
- They cannot attack perform other actions.
The particles of the flamethrower travel from the Pyro at 10.55 m/s (compare to Plague's vomit), and are unaffected by gravity. The flame particles also pass through Survivors can can affect multiple Survivors and objects at once.
Ignition charges are applied to objects within the flamethrower's fire at a rate of 20 per second.
Various objects are affected by the fire of the flamethrower. Namely, pallets, breakable walls, windows, and Survivors.
Ignited pallets, breakable walls, and windows are shown by charred textures and having small flames across them.
Dropped pallets and breakable walls become ignited after receiving 40 ignition charges, or 2 seconds of sustained flame. Ignited pallets have the following changes:
- (Pallets only) Survivors who vault them are afflicted with an 4% Hindered Status Effect for 5 seconds.
- Additionally, Survivors gain 16 ignition charges.
- When the Pyro walks into it, they break it and are slowed to 2.3 m/s for 3 seconds (compare to the Singularity's Overheat).
- An ignited pallet can be picked up by Any Means Necessary, but upon being dropped again will automatically break, and will only slow the Pyro to 2.3 m/s for 3 seconds if they would be stunned.
Windows become ignited after receiving 50 ignition charges, or 2.5 seconds of sustained flame. Ignited windows have the following changes:
- Survivors who vault them are afflicted with a 4% Hindered Status Effect for 5 seconds.
- Additionally, Survivors gain 16 ignition charges.
- When the Pyro walks into the window, they temporarily disable it (making it a standard path instead) and are slowed to 2.3 m/s for 3 seconds.
Windows disabled by the Pyro walking through them regenerate after 30 seconds and are no longer ignited.
Survivors, unlike pallets, breakable walls, or windows, have varying penalties depending on the number of ignition charges affecting them, up to a maximum of 100:
- (1+ charges)—A cumulative reduction the speed they are healed while injured, up to 50% at 100 charges.
- (20+ charges)—A unique pained sound while sprinting.
- At 40+ charges, this sound plays constantly.
- (60+ charges)—The Hindered Status Effect afflicted for vaulting an ignited object becomes 8%.
- At 80+ charges, it becomes 12%.
- (100 charges)—They become injured.
The amount of ignition charges on a Survivor are always visible on the HUD to all players.
Ignition charges do not decay. However, 60 ignition charges are removed upon regaining a health state.
- Common
- Rusted Axe Head - Survivors with 80+ ignition charges are afflicted with a 15% Hindered Status Effect for 1.5 seconds when hit with a basic attack.
- Ash Vial - When you walk through an ignited object, all Survivors within 8 meters see your aura for 2 seconds. When you walk through an ignited object, gain 400 bonus Blood Points.
- Air Filter - The flame particles from the flamethrower have 60% lower opacity.
- Empty Matchbox - Survivors passively gain ignition charges at a rate of 1 charge every 2 seconds. Survivors no longer passively gain charges once they reach 40 charges.
- Uncommon
- Pyrovision Goggles - Ignition charges on Survivors do not reduce the speed at which they are healed. Survivors have a cumulative reduction in the speed at which they recover from timed Status Effects, up to 60% at 100 charges.
- Scar Tissue - When a Survivor is healed, the number of ignition charges removed is reduced by 10.
- Naphtha Lighter Fluid - Reduces the ignition charges it takes to ignite a pallet or breakable wall by 10.
- Hammer Head - At 80+ ignition charges, Survivors repair Generators 20% slower.
- Sooty Boots - After walking through an ignited object, you are only slowed for 2.6 seconds.
- Rare
- Charred Axe Head - Survivors with 80+ ignition charges are afflicted with the Incapacitated Status Effect for 20 seconds when hit with a basic attack.
- Drenched Firewood - When a Survivor vaults an ignited pallet or window, they scream, revealing their location for 4 seconds.
- Lightweight Handle - While using the flamethrower, you move at 4.4 m/s. You only apply ignition charges at a rate of 16 per second.
- Degreaser Igniter - The speed the flame particles travel is increased to 13.55 m/s.
- Lollichop - At 20+ and 40+ charges, Survivors no longer have a unique sound cue. When you walk through an ignited object, Survivors within 32 meters of you with 20+ charges have their auras revealed for 8 seconds.
- Very Rare
- Scorched Axe Head - Hitting a Survivor with a basic attack ignites the nearest dropped pallet or window.
- Rainblower - At 60+ and 80+ charges, Survivors no longer are increasingly Hindered by vaulting an ignited object. Survivors at 60+ charges have vault speeds reduced by 15%, and at 80+ charges 25%.
- Gas Tank - When a Survivor has ignition charges removed from them, all other Survivors within 8 meters of them gain 16 ignition charges.
- Corroded Igniter - When a window becomes ignited, it is blocked by The Entity for 5 seconds. This effect ends if you walk through the window and destroy it.
- Ultra Rare
- Balloonicorn - Survivors no longer become injured at 100 ignition charges. At 100 charges, Survivors reset to 0 charges and all dropped pallets, breakable walls, and windows within 16 meters of that Survivor ignite, and previously ignited objects in that range are destroyed.
- Afterburner - Survivors within 4 meters of a Survivor with 100 ignition charges passively gain 1 charge per second.
Power Jack
Your weapon isn't the only product of your engineering.
Performing the Damage Generator Action on a Generator triggers Power Jack:
- You gain a 5% Haste Status Effect for 8 seconds.
- That Generator has its Aura hidden from Survivors, and its progress cannot be accelerated by Survivor items or perks for 40/50/60 seconds.
Power Jack has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
"No, I… I ain't, I ain't talking about that freak, alright? He's not here, is he?"
Sustained Cruelty
The burns you leave are felt long after they are healed.
Upon going from injured to healthy, a Survivor suffers from the Exhaustion and Oblivious Status Effects for 40 seconds.
Survivors who have gone from injured to healthy in the past 30/35/40 seconds have the duration of all instances of their Aura being revealed extended by +3 seconds.
"One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask. What dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty?"
Hex: Boiling Point
They all believe kindling will save them from the fire.
Whenever you break a dropped Pallet, Hex: Boiling Point is granted +1 Token, up to a maximum of 3 Tokens:
- 1 Token: After a Survivor creates a Loud Noise Notification, that Survivor has their Aura revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.
- 2 Tokens: Whenever a Survivor drops a Pallet, you are granted a 5% Haste Status Effect for 10 seconds.
- This effect does not stack.
- 3 Tokens: Whenever you hit a Survivor with a basic attack, they suffer from a -20% Hindered Status Effect for 3 seconds.
All effects of the Hex Perk persist until its Hex Totem is cleansed or blessed.
"I fear no man. But that thing... it scares me."
Survivor - Dell Conagher
Survivor Data
Overview: Dell Conagher is a practical Inventor, tinkering with the mechanics of this world as he did in his past one.
Body Type: Masculine
Sound Effects: Notably heavy footsteps for a Survivor, however his injured sounds are quieter than normal.
These generators are just one tune-up away from being your tools more than your enemy's.
After repairing Generators for a total of 80/75/70%, Sentry activates:
- Press the Active Ability button while near a Generator, completed or not, to install a Sentry, which stays active for the remainder of the Trial.
- Whenever the Killer comes within 8 meters of that Generator while chasing a Survivor, the Sentry fires at the Killer:
- Causes the Killer to suffer from an 8% Hindered Status Effect for as long as they are within 8 meters of that Generator, and for 2 seconds after that.
Sentry does NOT deactivate after it has been successfully triggered.
The Auras of Generators with Sentries are revealed to all Survivors in yellow.
"You and me, hoss."
Boon: Safe Zone
A Boon that helps you not fall back.
Press and hold the Active Ability button on a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem.
Soft chimes ring out in a radius of 24 meters.
Injured Survivors benefit from the following effect when inside the Boon Totem's radius:
- They are granted 1% Healing Progress every second.
Regressing Generators inside the Boon Totem's radius regress at 90/80/70% of the normal Regression speed.
Survivors and Generators can only be affected by one instance of Boon: Safe Zone at a time.
Only one Totem can be blessed by your Boon Perks at a time and all of their effects are active on the same Boon Totem.
"How am I going to stop some mean mother Hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous be-hind?"
Boon: Traversal
There's places you and your team ought to be, and they ought to be there now.
Press and hold the Active Ability button on a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem.
Soft chimes ring out in a radius of 24 meters.
All Survivors benefit from the following effect when inside the Boon Totem's radius while the Killer is not inside it:
- They are granted a 25% Haste Status Effect.
- This does not apply while that Survivor is in a chase.
- This Status Effect is hidden.
All Survivors benefit from the following effect when outside the Boon Totem's radius while the Killer is inside it:
- They can bless a Dull or Hex Totem 15/20/25% faster.
- This benefit is hidden.
Survivors can only be affected by one instance of Boon: Traversal at a time.
Only one Totem can be blessed by your Boon Perks at a time and all of their effects are active on the same Boon Totem.
"Move 'em out! Come on, fellas!"