Six idea (killer)
First idea for Six from little nightmares as a licensed killer (I know this is bad, bear with me)
The child
Height: 4'11 (with hoodie: 5'2)
Weapon: the entity (a spider leg coiling around six's arm)
Power: Nowhere's Noone (pronouncement left to interpretation, either pronounced noon or no one)
Description: after so long running and hiding, it finally let you make the tables turn.
Special locomotion: crouch
Self explanatory, it's a crouch
Special mechanic: HUNGER
Six passively gets hungry, giving different effects depending on how hungry she is
Full: no changes, decent movement speed in all states
Peckish: bit slower normally, but faster when chasing
Hungry: slow outside of chase, fast in chase
STARVING: so weak outside of chase the entity must carry you. So desperate to eat you move extremely fast in chases.
Food can be taken from lockers to move you one starving state up
Nomes can be found which fully sate you but run away from you
Lore premise: after the events of little nightmares, Six finds herself in the fog, and after displaying... interesting behaviors as a survivor (no fear whatsoever, cannibalizing other survivors) the entity decides to help six survive, but at the cost of killing her fellow human beings. But you all know six, she does not care.
I'd definitely like feedback, as this is my first idea for a killer.